From the Portrait and Biographical Record

JOHN E. OVERTON. The Overton family originated in Wales and many generations ago three members of this family, possessed of the ambition, courage and sturdy manhood which have ever been characteristic of those of that nationality, crossed the ocean to America and settled in what was then the wilds of Long Island. From them sprang all the Overton's now residing in this country. The great-grandfather of our subject, John Overton, was born on Long Island, as was also the grandfather, Methusalah Overton, and the father, John H. Overton. The grandfather was born in Coram, Suffolk County, and was prominently identified with the agricultural affairs of his section. He married Miss Sarah Still, also a native of Coram, and there they reared their family and passed their entire lives.

John H. Overton received limited educational advantages during his youth, but quite as good as many others in those days, and when about seventeen years old he left the farm and went to sea. Two or three years later he began learning the carpenter trade and this he followed for fifteen years, when a desire to again return to his early occupation of farming caused him to settle on a tract of land in Port Jefferson. In connection with farming he has since been engaged in dairying and has conducted both most successfully up to the present time. In 1852 he married Miss Caroline Emmons, a native of Suffolk County, and daughter of Capt. Wines Emmons. Prior to his marriage Mr. Overton had built a fine residence in Port Jefferson, and he has resided there ever since. Mrs. Overton passed away in 1861, and in 1864 Mr. Overton married Miss Amelia Roberts, daughter of Henry Roberts. In politics Mr. Overton is a staunch Republican and has held the position of Assessor and Commissioner of Highways. Although now seventy years old, he enjoys fair health, and, being possessed of estimable qualities, has many friends.

John E. Overton, son of John H. Overton by his first marriage, is a native of Port Jefferson, born February 12,1856. He secured a good education in the schools of his native village and assisted his father in driving a stage for some time. When he was about eighteen years old his father engaged in dairying and our subject assumed the management of the farm. Since that time he has been closely identified with the agricultural affairs of the county. In the year 1881 he married Miss Florence S. Hawkins, daughter of Hon. Simeon Hawkins, a prominent citizen of Jamesport, Suffolk County. This union has been blessed by the birth of four sons, as follows: Myron E., Robert N., J. Stanley, and Lawrence H.

Socially Mr. Overton is a Mason, a member of the Royal Arcanum and of the volunteer fire department of Port Jefferson. He has been Chief of the latter organization since its formation and not long since was re-elected the seventh time. Mr. Overton has served as a member of the Board of Education for five years and was very instrumental in the erection of the present commodious school building. In politics he is a supporter of Republican principles and is now President of the Republican Club at Port Jefferson. He is an active worker for his party and has been private secretary for the Senator from this district four years and Deputy Clerk of the Assembly for three terms.

Our subject is a Director of the Bank of North-port, a stockholder in the Bank of Port Jefferson, and the Port Jefferson Milling Company, President of the Board of Trade of the village, President of the Port Jefferson branch of the Mercantile Cooperative Bank, and also of the Republic Savings & Loan Association. January 1, 1896, through a partnership, he became manager for a large importing and exporting firm of Kobe, Japan, with offices at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Eighteenth Street, New York City.