Veterans Form


War Service Record of Longwood CSD Veterans

The Wars on Terror: Gulf War /Afghanistan / Iraq

Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom

Please mail completed forms to: Mr. Victor Massian, Longwood JHS, 198 Longwood Road, Middle Island, NY 11953

Full Name ____________________________________________________________________________

(Please print) Last First Middle

Date and Place of Birth ___________________________________________________________________

Address at time of entrance into service_______________________________________________________

Current Contact Info (if different from above)__________________________________________________

*E-mail_____________________________ *Phone/Cell __________________________(*will not be shared)

Name of Father ___________________________ Maiden Name of Mother _________________________

Pre-Service Employment/Trade/Occupation ___________________________________________________


Names of Schools Attended:

_____ Years at _______________ Elementary School; _____ Years at _______________ Middle School;

_____ Years at _______________ Junior High School; _____ Years at _______________ High School;

_____Years at ______________________ College; _____ Years at ____________________ Other

High school sports/activities/accomplishments ____________________________________________________



Date and place of Induction _______________________________________ Military Branch_____________

Date and place of Separation ______________________________________________________________

Military or Naval training, occupation, qualifications, etc. _______________________________________



Regiment, Company, Battalion Group, Squadron, etc. __________________________________________






Left Cont’l U.S. (Date) ________ From ________ on (boat)___________ Arrived at (place) ___________

Other Postings, Sailings: Give dates, ships, places___________________________________



Final Arrival U.S. (Date)_______ from (place)_______ on (ship) __________ At (place) ______________

List or Describe: Army, M.C. Air Force, Navy or C.G. Service: Stations, Engagements, Campaigns, Theatres of Operation, Vessels Served On, Aircraft Flown, Commanders Served Under, Enemy Encounters, etc.






Decorations, Citations, Ribbons, etc. _______________________________________________________




Other information (marriage, children, post-service occupations, etc.) ____________________________



Photograph(s) of Veteran included ____________ Will be returned

Please feel free to add any additional information you would like included in your Veterans Biography.

For more information or questions please contact