Eagle Readers Roused by Series of Articles Exposing Perilous Propaganda

State Feeling To Editor in Many Letters

Praise and Criticism Are Voice by Mail Response to Nazi Stories

Brooklyn Eagle

Sunday March 27, 1938

The series of articles now appearing in the eagle revealing the extent and character of foreign propaganda undermining religious and civil liberty in the United States has evoked heated comment from readers of all persuasions. Some were high in their praise, while others roundly condemned the articles. All such comments appear below.

Would-Send Them Back


Editor Brooklyn Daily Eagle:

According to the articles now appearing in The Brooklyn Eagle, America has been nursing vipers in its bosom who are now ready to bite the hand that has fed them. How long would Germany and Russia tolerate such business as is being done here by their people? They would be shot at sunrise if anyone would try to plan against either country. I would not suggest that but would like to see them all sent back where they came from and leave America for those who appreciate her and love her enough to be true. It is high time the politicians stopped playing politics and worked together to save our dear country from traitors. God hasten the day when America wakes up and asserts her rights. We have no room here for traitors; the sooner they are dealt with the better it will be for all.


East Moriches, March 23

Men’s Club Acts

Editor Brooklyn Daily Eagle

At monthly meeting of the Men’s Club of St. Paul’s Church of Flatbush held on March 21, the following resolution was unanimously adopted indorsing the patriotic efforts of your paper to expose to public view the objective of the si-called “Bunds” which have for their purpose undermining the democratic principles of the United States. Resolved: In the fine realization of the possible changes in our established democratic system of government, By the activities of any organization having for the purpose the undermining of that system of government ; It is hereby resolved by the Men’s Club of St. Paul’s Church of Flatbush to support so far as lays in its power all proper efforts which have for their object the suppression of all organizations of that nature to thee end that our democratic principles of government the un-American activities of the various “isms” in our midst.

Today I rummaged through the old papers in the cellar to find the inclosed clippings which I think are of some significance.


testation...they would be supported by one hundred percent of Americans. In their condemnations of the Nationalists their opinions are opposed by thousands of true Americans who believe that General Franco is....


Alone with horror what is taking place in Russia, but what is taking place in Germany, where people are persecuted, put in prison and murdered because they will not give up their religion.

Let us not sit back in an easy chair and say “There is no danger, it cannot happen here.” Too often those words have been used, and at the unexpected moment it did happen. Let our nation awake and combat the danger while there is yet time. Let everyone be on guard, wide awake. Our country must never be large enough to embrace and tolerate those that try to break down what Washington and Lincoln stood for.

All these traitors should be brought to the steamers and bid a final goodby, and no one belonging to these parties that only cause destruction of everything that is dear to us should be permitted to step on our soil under any consideration whatever.

A few weeks ago I celebrated the 56th anniversary of my ordination. I should be a traitor and God in promise made at ordination if I did not join in the battle in this nefarious propaganda.

Rev. V.A. Motensen,

President, Society of Inner Mission and Rescue Work

564 2nd St. March 21

German-American Anti Nazi Had Career Ruined by Bund

Most impressive of all the letters receiver from readers of The Eagle, praising or condemning the “Peril to Freedom” series, was one from a man who has had his career ruined and the performance of his official duties menaced by a “German Club.” Gustave Neuss, resident of the village of Yaphank, L.I., site of the Bund’s Camp Siegfried, and Justice of the peace of the Town of Brookhaven until...


Nazis Teach Children Here To hate Jews

8-Year-Olds Are Drilled Under Swastika Flag in German Language

(continued from page 1)

American history is mentioned, it is to show German-Americans saved the country from “Jewish destruction.”

To emphasize the German tieup the best little scouts varying ages and both sexes are chosen to go on trips to the “Fatherland,” from which they send back glowing reports in phrases of hysterical adulation. These are reproduced in the youth publication, Junges Volk.

The Bund yearbook declares that “in coming years all unity and all efforts will be required to put an end to the former crippling of the young Americanization” - referring to the young Germans who have emigrated to the United states. “Hence the youth groups are a real achievement for Germany.”

In the Nazi talk there is repeated reference to the day - “Der Tag” - when “trouble” will come in America and those organized in the bund will rise up to oppose and defeat it. And the youngsters, since the day may be long deferred, must be reds-radical-Jews, all jumbled together as in the regular Nazi formula.

“We may be gone soon,” band leaders, speaking of their youth movement, declare, “and the youth must carry on our fight against Judaism, would bolshevism and communism.”

Literature Defames Jews

There is literature for the children, some of it coming out of Germany, some of it coming from Nuremberg, home town of Julius Streicher, No. 1 distiller of anti-Semitic race hatred.

A popular children’s book, published in Nuremberg - a picture book is bright colors and with little reading matter, sub-titled, “A Picture book for Young and Old” is filled with typical Streicher acts calculating to instill the idea that Jews is a sort of overfed, immoral and sub-human being, contrasted with the pure and heroic Aryan.

The Jugendschaft, or youth movement, of the bund is divided into six sections:

Girls of 8 to 12 years, 12 to 16 and 17 to 21; boys and young men of 10 to 14, 14 to 17, and 18 to 21. By a “decree of the national youth leader” the youth organization was set...