From the Portrait and Biographical Record

The entire life of Mr. Randall has been passed in ceaseless activity, and has not been without substantial results, as will be seen from a glance over time following facts in his life. His career is an example of industry, perseverance and good management, rewarded by much that makes life enjoyable. Mr. Randall was born in Brook Haven, L. I., in 1845, and is a son of Horace G. Randall. His father, a native of the town of Brook Haven, where he spent his entire life, followed the occupation of a merchant and farmer and was a public spirited and worthy citizen. His wife passed away in 1848 and he followed her to the grave in 1878.

In the district schools of his section our subject received a fair education and subsequently took a course in Eastman's Business College. The most of his life has been spent at the Middle Island home, although he was on the sea for about two years. After the death of his father he assumed control of the mercantile business, which has prospered under his able management and which he has conducted ever since, with the exception of three years when he rented the business out. He carries a complete stock of goods suitable to his section and by his courteous and agreeable manners have gained a large and constantly increasing patronage.

In 1872 Mr. Randall married Miss Lydia, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Swezey) King, an old and prominent family of Brook Haven. Mrs. Randall died in March 1893. She was an excellent woman and was well liked by all. For many years Mr. Randall bas been a member of the Presbyterian Church and much of that time has been an Elder in the same. In politics he is with the Republican party and at all times advocates its men and measures. For some time lie served his fellow citizens faithfully as Assessor and is at present Justice of .the Peace of the village, having held that position for the past seven years.