Middle Island Mail

September 18, 1935

Camp Life Described by Capt.

Orin D. Swank

Vocational Training is Increasing

Glee Clubs and Athletic Teams

Active-Musical Instruments and

Furniture Needed

"What do the men in the C.C.C. camps do?" and "What opportunities do they have for education and recreation?" are questions frequently asked with reference to the four Civilian Conservation Corps companies in Camp Upton. The answers were given by Capt. Orin D. Swank, chaplain of Co. 238 C.C.C. located at Yaphank.

Each company has approximately two hundred men. Three of the companies are engaged in constructing a fire-break around the reservation and fire-lanes and truck trails through it, and in reforestation. About two million trees, Norway pines, red pine, and black locust have been planted. The fourth company, under the direction of the state department of Fish and Game is at work establishing a public shooting games preserve, particularly for bobwhite quail. The State of New York Conservation department with the approval of the Federal Forest Service determines the work to be done and through camp superintendents and civilian foremen directs the men while at work.

Army officers are charged with the responsibility of clothing, feeding and housing the men and directing the many educational, recreational and social activities of camp life. In fact the situation calls for more of these activities than the educational advisor and the instructors in music, dramatics, and arts and crafts can provide because of being seriously handicapped by inadequate equipment. The C.C.C camp set up provides for only a minimum of equipment and any needed additional facilities must be provided otherwise.

The only furniture in the barracks is a fairly comfortable steel cot with mattress, sheets, pillows, and blankets for each man. The men usually provide some kind of a homemade locker for their personal effects. Plain benches without backs serve as seats in the mess hall and the recreational hall. These may be said to provide "solid comfort" by they are mostly solid and not so much comfort. The question is sometimes asked, what is needed in camp? Here are some things that would add greatly to the educational and social welfare of the men as well at to their comfort: furniture (except beds) and furnishings such as tables, chairs, dressers, electric lamps, pictures, rugs and carpets. There is real need for musical interments for individual and orchestra use and particularly pianos for use in the recreation halls. Athletic equipment and materials and equipment for arts and crafts and dramatics would be a great call for whatever is provided.

Even though the limitations are very real and there is much to be desired in the way of comforts, the men in the camps are to be commended for the way they have adjusted themselves to prevailing conditions and seeking to make the most of the situation. The desire for advancement in academic studies and in vocational training is on the increase. The spirit and morale of the men is constantly improving. The C.C.C. in Camp Upton is proud of its Glee clubs and athletic teams and stands ready to cooperate with other communities whenever possible. It is the desire of those in charge that there shall be the best possible understanding and good-will between C. C. C. and all its neighbors. A most cordial invitation is extended to all to visit the camps and see where the men live and work.

The development of a Glee club by the colored companies is very natural. Paul Lawerence Dunbar called his people "The race with a laughing heart." They sing much at their work and when they sing they harmonize naturally. It was this natural bent for singing that led Albert Medford the leader of the Co. 238 Glee club to get a group together and sing for their own enjoyment. But their services were soon in demand and they have been very active the last three months singing in many churches and other gatherings. They have been most cordially received and they own lives have been enriched by these experiences. It has been well said that only the colored people try to sing them, three always seems to be something missing. But these boys can sing, and are happy in doing so.

Review of C.C.C. is reduced by State Dept.

Retyped by: Lenee' Diebold

Keyboarding Technology





Middle Island Mail

January 15, 1936

Review of C.C.C. Work Is Reduced By State Dept.

Remaining Unit to continue Work Started in 1934

Construction of Water Holes, Truck Trails and Tree Planting on Program- Commissioner Praises Men

The removal and abandonment of one of the C.C.C. camps at Yaphank, Camp Upton, leaving only one of the original four which opened there in May, 1934, is the subject of a bulletin from the State Conservation department. "The abandonment of the three camps, one January 1 and two several months ago, has been due entirely to the new policy announced by Washington to the effect that the total enrollments for the forest workers throughout the country would be about 400,000 for the next period, instead of 600,000 which was the total for the last work period." says this bulletin, "As a result of this policy of retrenchment New York state has been obliged to close 15 camps.

The camp remaining at Camp Upton, it is explained, will continue on a modified scale the improvement work, which was started there by the four camps. The work schedule calls for construction of four water holes to aid in forest fire fighting; the building of 27 miles of truck trails, and tree planting on about 70 acres of ground.

Approximately 1,100 acres of forested land will be improved and 22 miles of firebreaks will be constructed. A survey of the land will take the men over 51 miles of territory and a rodent control program will cover 1,728 acres on the old government reservation. The remainder of the program calls for general cleanup work on 171 acres and planting of grain on 193 acres. In addition the enrollees will maintain the fire lines, feed strips and truck trails previously constructed.

Much of the work originally proposed has been completed, while some of the other work had only been started when the Conservation department had to abandon the camps. The work was begun two years ago to develop a forest demonstration area and also a model game management area. When the four camps were established it was proposed to construct 11 water holes and 53 miles of truck trails. To date 2 water holes have been constructed and 26 miles of truck trails built.

Trees were to be planted on 1,276 acres and to date 1,206 acres have been covered. Forest stand improvement work was to cover 1,624 acres and up to 559 acres have been covered. It also was planned to collect about 400 bushels and coniferous tree seed and 9,126 pounds of hardwood seeds. The records show that 485 bushels of the conifers were collected and 9,126 of hardwood seeds.

Fifty-six miles of fire breaks have been constructed out of a proposed total of 78 miles and to date 3,377 acres. The C. C. C. boys and men planted grain on 711 acres. The original schedule called for 904 acres of planting.

Lake and pond development work called for 1,454 man day's work and this program was completed. The men completed seven experimental plots, the original number scheduled. The rodent control program called for work in 1,728 acres and to date the men have covered over 1,000 acres. The lineal survey of the property was to bring them over 167 miles of ground and to date they have covered 116 miles. A plan for the removal of fire hazards on 20 acres of ground was completed and construction of 2.7 miles of telephone line also was completed as was a topographical survey covering 7,000 acres.

Because the nature of the tree growths on Long Island, fires are frequent in the spring and fall. The C. C. C. workers at Yaphank did their share of forest fire fighting, as the record shows 3,640 man days spent on this unscheduled but very necessary job.

Retyped by Michael Giannattasio

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