Names Highway for Former New York Police Sergeant.

Special to the New York Times

Yaphank, L.I., Aug. 14. - A former New York City police sergeant who died three years ago after residing here for more than twenty years following his retirement from the police earned such a niche in the hearts of residents of this community that they have had a public highway named after him.

The man was James M. Ashton, who, because of his fine physique, was called upon to pose for the figure surrounding a monument for policemen in Evergreen Cemetery, Brooklyn.

Since the town was founded in 1660 a public highway connecting the Granny and Bartlett Pond Roads has been nameless. Today Town Assessor Christian Krabbe, a neighbor of Ashton, asked the board to name the highway for Mr. Ashton and the board granted his request.

August 15, 1929

New York Times