Still Home, one mile north of Middle Country Road, on west side of Route 112, From left to right: Florian Komoraski, Jonas Coleman, Mrs. Lily Coleman, Mrs. Smih Still, Smith Still, Philip Still, D. Benjamin Still, Photo from Philip Still, circa 1910

Route 112, looking north, View of Barn at Ben Still's Farm, Davis Erhardt Collection

Eunice Jones feeding cattle at Still Farm, Photo Courtesy of Davis Erhardt Collection

The Still farm was located about 1 mile north of the Middle Country Road on the east side of Rte. 112.

William Still lived in the house as early as the American Revolution and was the first of the Still family in Brookhaven Town. William Still was enrolled with the First Regiment of Minutemen, which was led by Colonel Josiah Smith.

Smith Still, his grandson, later owned the property and is now buried in the Still family cemetery across the street.

Smith Still was also the grandfather of the late Robert Still, who was Brookhaven Superintendent of Highways.

North of Smith Still's property was the Griffin farm. In later years, it became part of the Still property. An old road started by the Griffin farm and ran both east and north; one could go to Mount Sinai by way of this road. This road was county Rd. 83 or Patchogue-Mt. Sinai Highway. There is a record of this road being laid out as far back as 1807.

The former Still farm now houses a storage facility, just south of the LIPA plaza.




The Still family cemetery is located on the west side of Route 112 in Coram. It is just north of Pinewood Village apartments about a mile north of Route 25. There were seven stones, all recorded, but there appear to be other unmarked graves. The stones were copied on April 18, 1970 by ELBERT N. CARTER.

1. LILLIAN M. COLEMAN b. 1869 d. 1937

2. ANN M. TERRY, wife of L. SMITH STILL9 b. 20 Jan. 1834

3. L. SMITH STILL b. 28 May 1823 d. 5 March 1911

4. EUNICE STILL, wife of STEPHEN STILL, 30 March 1875 age 82 years 11 mo. 12 days.

5. STEPHEN STILL d. 4 Jan. 1854 age 66 years 3 months.

6. HANNAH M. STILL, daughter. of JONATHAN & JERUSHA STILL, d. 9 July 1836 age 21 years 5 mo. f.s. H.M.S.

7. ISAAC STILL, son of JONATHAN &-JERUSHA STILL, d. 5 Oct. 1836 age 18 years 8 mo. 20 days.