From the book The Refugees of 1766 from Long Island to Connecticut, by Fredric Mather, 1913

SMITH ISAAC 4 (Richard.3,2, Maj. Richard 1-Bull; or Isaac 5, Epenetus 4, Job 3, 2, Maj. Richard 1-Bull)-From Brookhaven to Derby. On Feb. 2, 1780, he petitioned the Conn. Gen. Assembly, stating that he had been captured, but escaped, and asking leave to bring his wife, family and effects from L. I. As he was well recommended, the petition was granted. (E. 26-29) Rivington-Aug. 28, 1779; On Aug. 14 about 20 Rebels, at Coram, made Prisoners of Isaac Smith and five of his sons. Isaac Smith escaped." (Bayles' "Suffolk Co.") He appears in a list of Prisoners. (" theRevolution-Spt.," P- 43)

He signed the Association, in 1775. (H. 20, 26, 27) Another of the name, from Smithtown, signed (H- 32); and still another, in 1776, from Queens Co. (H. 9)

Men of this name served in Col. Smith's Regt. (G, 25); in the 1st and 4th of the Line (G- 43, 48); in Weissenfels' Levies TG. 57 ; in the 2d Westchester (G- 78); and in Conn. (G. 98) There were numerous men of the name, some of them Officers, in the Dutchess, Orange and Westchester Regts.

Census of 1776: Males-above 50 years, j; above 16, 1; under x6, 2. Females-above 16, 2; under 16, 2. (A. 51)

According to tradition Isaac Smith was taken prisoner by the British and escaped by wearing women's clothing earning him the nickname "Petticoat Smith"

Isaac Smith had two sons who also were patriots to the American cause. Joshua joined his father in making whale boat raids from Connecticut to Long Island. While His other son, Isaac, joined Capt. Daniel Grifiing's Company.