SEPTEMBER 29, 1957

To the Survivors of the Lost Battalion to greet you at Christmas:

Nothing would give me more happiness than to shake the hand of every one of you Survivors today. The treasured memories of our past nineteen Reunion Luncheons that have given me the opportunity of greeting many of you are Annual events that I look forward to with great anticipation. Nothing pleases me more than to be with you, the men of the finest Battalion an officer ever commanded.

The memory of your fighting stand at Charlevaux will be with me always - and I want you to know that my thoughts are with you today with the sincere hope that you will be blessed with all the joys of a Happy Christmas and a New Year that will see the realization of your fondest hopes.



308th Infantry

Major George G. McMurtry

Hqrs. Co.

Walter J. Baldwin

A Company

Al Nauheim, Irving Klein, Herman Anderson

B Company

Barney Greenfield, Louis Morris, Charles Chavelle, Jim Keegan, Steve Honas, Martin McMahon

C Company

Charles Oxman, Lionel Bendheim, Jacob Held, Max Lesnick, Phil Cepeglia, John Colasacco, Jack Tucker, Leo Jacoby, David Tulchin, S. Kosikowski, Louis Baskin, Paul Segal

E Company

Joseph Kiernan, G. Chiswell, Peter Gudis

F Company

Martin Ellbogen, George Parker

G Company

George Englander, Ben Pagliaro, Mike Mele, Mark C.


H Company

Capt. Wm. J. Cullen, Isador Spiegel

306th Machine Gun Bn.

Julius Sackman, Maurice Johnson

307th K Company

Paul Schwartz, James Deahan, Sam Altiera, Boyd

Hatch, Isadore Willinger

To you, Major McMurtry, on behalf of all the Survivors . . .

"May He whose birth the stars foretold be watching over you through every hour of every day in everything you do" is our Christmas wish for you.

If all the incidents that occurred within the vision of each one of us while we were in the pocket could be compiled and recorded, it would -read -like a tale one would expect to find only in fiction. But you and I lived to see them enacted.

We were all in different locations there the machine gunners on the flanks with some of the riflemen some of us at the foot of that hillside . . . some along the top of it just below the road . . . each position had its own situations to face, its own problems to solve. All of us had a job to do. The unwritten tales of sacrifice, heroism and gallantry under a seemingly never-ending hail of fire from a determined enemy force that outnumbered us, are many.

It would be wrong to name any particular individual, but 1, in my location, recall the unselfishness of a little fellow who made numerous trips day and night down to the water hole that Was covered by German machine guns in the valley behind us, For a drink . . . not to satisfy his thirst . . . but for a wounded man who he knew would do the same for him, were their positions reversed. (He wasn't able to say thanks, but the little fellow knew.) Others went down too; some failed to return. Even that news didn't stop others from trying.

The men and machine gunners on the flanks withstood assault after assault, and suffered heavy casualties protecting you and me. Those gallant men who fought off the onslaughts from the valley behind us, and the men along the top of the hill, just below the road, who had the constant shower of hand grenades thrown from the cliff across the road, as well as heavy rifle and machine gunfire, to stave off time and time again . . . .

The admiration we all had for the officers who, as 'they were advising us to take what little cover we could, when under an especially heavy barrage, walked along that hillside checking our positions and encouraging and assuring us . . . their gallantry instilled in us what it took to win a fight that made history.

Don t let's forget the sacrifices made by the men of the balance of our Regiment and the ,307th Infantry whose ceaseless efforts to reach our position were eventually successful. This, I am certain, will recall to mind something-someone-some incident that will be with you always. it happened forty years ago, but time can never erase the memory of those who by their supreme sacrifice have hallowed this ground forever . . . our annual reunion always opens with a silent toast "To the Dead of the Lost Battalion." I am proud to be your secretary.



September 29, 1957-Forty-one survivors of the forty-six who promised to be with us were seated as our 19th reunion was called to order at 1 P.M. Nine who seldom miss a reunion were unable to be with us due to illness, and five were prevented from attending for business reasons, being out of town and not able to be in New York in time. It is significant that two who were too ill to attend have since passed away . . . Bill Powers of Hqrs. Co. and Bill Wright of D Co., 306 M.G. Bn.

As always, our only decoration was the beautiful bouquet sent each year in memory of Lt. Marshall Peabody by Miss Anita de Goll, for which I sent her the following note of thanks: "It is always the only decoration at our Reunion luncheons . . . it is admired by all in attendance . . . the thought that prompts its presence each year is the topic of many conversations. So, on behalf of Major McMurtry and all the survivors, I Want to convey our thanks to you for the beautiful bouquet you sent again in memory of Lt. Marshall Peadbody . . . we loved him too, Miss de Goll."

The first order of business is a solemn one, joining Major McMurtry in a silent toast "to the dead of the Lost Battalion." Then the recalling of a hundred and one incidents, this time an especially interesting one . . . Steve Honas, B Co., in a conversation with Max Lesnick of C Co., recalled a particular incident that brought to light that he had rescued Lesnick from under a pile of dirt and stone after a heavy shelling.

The Major's talk is one we look forward to each year. We know so well how sincere he is in telling us of the happiness and joy that is his in greeting us at our reunions. Making possible these gatherings these past 19 years is surely evidence of his deep affection for all of us. He spoke of the great admiration General Alexander had for men of the Battalion, expressed in a letter received from the General just before he died. The Major closed with the hope that as long as there were two of us alive, there would always be a reunion, and urging as many as possible to attend our 20th reunion on Sunday, September 28th, 1958. This will be the 40th anniversary of our stand at Charlevaux.

Captain Cullen's calling of the roll each year brings out many items, remarks and suggestions of interest. The suggestion of name plates being attached to our badges was well taken. Klein spoke at length of the deep interest and concern of the officials of the State of California in the welfare of the veteran, as well as of his part in the dedication of a plaque by the men of K Co., 307th Infantry, to be placed in the Veterans Home at Yountville, California, in honor of Col. Nelson Holderman.

The reading of congratulatory telegrams and letters of regret from many unable to attend brought our 19th reunion to a close.


ALTIERA, SAMUEL A.-K Co., 307 -147-14 84th Road, Briarwood, Jamaica 35, N. Y-Another year has rolled by and it feels mighty good to be able to say "Present!" Our yearly reunions are great occasions, and all comrades should make it a must to he on band if at all possible. We owe a lot to Major McMurtry for his great spirit in making these reunions such memorable events and may the good Lord spare him for many years to continue in command of the Lost Battalion. Let us make the 1958 Reunion the biggest ever! Best wishes to, all ~ for the Christmas holidays, and until we meet again, so long!

AHISTEDT, RUBEN H.-2nd Bn. Runner, 308th-Cassville, Missouri-I am a man of leisure these days, as I. have retired and am living on my railroad retirement, which isn't a whole lot but we can get by O.K. We moved to Riverside, California, last spring, stayed there seven months and came back to the town of Enterprise, Kansas. But we are going to locate in Missouri. We were just down there and bought us a little place. It is located in the Ozarlis. Wonderful place to locate. Plenty of good fishing and hunting. We think we'll enjoy it a lot. Give my regards to Major McMurtry. I hope he can enjoy many more luncheons for Lost Battalion Survivors. If any of the old gang ever happens my way, in Cassville, drop in; will be glad to see any of the guys.

ANASTASI, ANTHONY-F Co., 308th-6 George St., Medford, Mass.-Very sorry to have missed the Reunion, but hope to be present at the next one, God willing. I received your reminder for the news sheet for this coming Christmas issue, and just had to write these few lines and hope that your wish for ton pages this year will be a reality. One important thing that comes to my mind is this, how proud we all feel to have such a man as Major McMurtry as one of us. His generosity through the years makes the annual Reunions possible, and words alone cannot express the gratitude we owe him. As for you, Walter, you are the man behind the gun, shooting to us all the goings on. I can only say, you are doing a terrific job. More power to you! For myself, I am in good health and getting along in years like the rest of the Survivors a few pains here and there, but all n all, not much to complain about. 1 am retired and taking life easy. Been married 35 years and have two married daughters and two lovely grandchildren. My only son died in World War II. This past summer, my wife and I spent two weeks in the State of Maine and one of my stops was (you guessed it!) yes, Bar Harbor. Well, I just could not leave that beautiful place without paying my respect to the Major. He received us most warmly, and we really enjoyed our visit with him, and the Cadilac Mountain which lie said we must see before leaving Bar Harbor. Thank you, Major, it was a pleasure to see you and the Cadilac Mountain you invited me to see. It was a sight to behold. Wishing good health and long life and the Seasons Greetings to all the Survivors!

BALDWIN, WALTER J~Hqrs. Co., 308th-1828 Barnes Ave., Bronx, N. Y.-On, October 12th, the fifth wedding in the family-the marriage of my daughter Virginia -leaves but two of our seven children home ... Tom my youngest son is to be married next May. But don't think the family is getting smaller, for as of this writing, Mrs. Baldwin and I are the proud and happy grandparents of twelve wonderful children. Next March, I will have to retire from active business in- as much as I will have reached the age of 65, but I hope to be with you and serve all of you for many years to come, for-as the Major so aptly puts it - I couldn't be in finer company!

BASKIN, LOUIS-C Co., 308th-6720 - 21st Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.-Hello friends! Have just finished a delicious Thanksgiving meal with my Mrs., at my children's home. Looking back over the year, it really has been very eventful. We started out with a Bar Mitzvah for our grandson. We have had a new granddaughter added to the family. Spent a month in Florida last winter, and I hope to do the same again this year. Finishing the year with a wedding for another granddaughter! It was swell seeing all our buddies at the Reunion dinner; God willing, I will see you all again next year.

BENDHEIM, LIONEL-C Co., 308th-200 Cabrini Blvd., New York, N. Y. Another year has rolled around and again one of the highlights was our annual luncheon. As you know the attendance was on the light side, but next year marks the 40th anniversary of our little "episode" so let us hope we have a banner turn out, with our good Major gracing the place of honor as usual. By the way, Major McMurtry has promised to put in his appearance, as always, at the reunion dinner of the 308th on Saturday night, Jan. 25, 1958 . . . so I hope all Survivors who are members of the 308th will be 'sure to be there to greet him. May I take this opportunity to wish all a Happy and Healthy New Year, and in particular to you, Walter, because the great work you do keeps our very elite organization a vital one.

BROWN, CLIFFORD R.-C Co., 308th-21 N. Maple St., Ashville, N. Y. My wife and I live in the small village of Ashville, six miles west of Jamestown, N. Y. We have four sons, all of whom are married and have homes of their own. We are the proud grandparents of four grandsons and four granddaughters. I work as a building contractor. I have always been proud of the boys of the Lost Battalion, to the very last man. I wish it were possible to see you all again.

CARROLL, JAMES B.-K Co., 307th-759 Wilmot Rd., Scarsdale, N. Y.-Circumstances over which I had no control caused me to be A.W.O.L. from the 1957 Reunion-a real regret, as it is always a pleasure and a privilege to meet with our fellow dieters of the days in the pocket. Surely, to Major McMurtry whose kindness has made our yearly reunions possible, and to you, Walter, who devote so much of your time and energy to making our group survive, the requested few lines are more than due. Think of it-forty years or as you noted, two score, have passed under the bridge since we had our original get together. I would venture to say, had Lloyds of London sent a representative to our little party they would have wagered 1000-1 against the possibility of any of 'us being around at this date. All of us, I am sure, have had many trials and tribulations over the years-many of which may have seemed impossible to overcome-yet I wonder whether any of us were ever in a spot quite as rugged as those October 2nd to 7th days in 1918. In my book we are just forty years to the good, and for that alone we should indeed be grateful. With the approaching holidays, may I not wish for you and all our comrades in that wonderful group, "Lost Battalion Survivors," the compliments of the season, and every good wish for continued health and happiness.

CEPEGLIA, PHILIP-C Co., 308th-4431 Third Ave., New York, N. Y.-It is hard for me to describe just how lucky I consider myself to have been able to attend our annual reunions for all these years, and how fortunate we all are to have Major McMurtry -whose kindness and generosity seem boundless-as one of us. I look forward each year to the last Sunday in September to greet Major McMurtry and all of you. To hear someone say, "Hello, Zip!" means a lot. May Christmas and the year ahead be happy for all of you.

CHAVELLE, CHARLES H.-B Co., 308th-Veterans Home & Hospital, Rocky Hill, Conn.-(Written in August) I feel better than I have for a long time. I saw a program on TV Sunday at about 6:30, about the Lost Battalion. It was on last year too; I saw it both times. It is nearly time for our reunion, and I expect to be there if I call, the same as I have been other years. I will have to get myself in shape, as this is quite a trip for me. I have enclosed another one of those little papers that are published about this place. (Charlie enclosed "Target," an interesting newspaper written by patients at the Veterans Home.) I will have to take 10 days when I come down to tile reunion. I generally come to Stamford a couple of days ahead, and it isn't such a long trip into New York from there for me as I can rest up these two days and will be better set for this trip. I have to laugh at some of the fellows around here; they call me the Lost Battalion. The old mail who writes up the short stories for the paper I have enclosed generally puts two or three lines about me attending the reunion. That is how they know I was in it, Well, best of luck and good health to all!

COLASACCO, JOHN G.-C Co., 308th-Mahopac Log Tavern, Mahopac, New York-The proprietor of ~Colasacco's Mahopac Log Tavern at Lake Mahopac welcomes all members to come visit me and talk over "old times."

CULLEN, WILLIAM J.-H Co., 308th-2266 Palmer Avenue, New Rochelle, N. Y.-William J. Cullen, who commanded Company H, 308th Infantry, on the left flank in the Lost Battalion position, is now residing in New Rochelle, N. Y., with his wife Alice and 'two charming daughters. Captain Cullen continued with the 308th lnf. in the Reserve, and then was called back in the service in World War II and served in the Second Service Command with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of Infantry, and is now retired w1th that rank. The Captain gets a big kick out of having everybody at the Reunion dinners "sound off" for the Lost Battalion.

ENGLANDER, GEORGE-G Co., 308th-43-55 Kissena Blvd., Flushing, L. I.-Sorry I was unable to attend the last Reunion luncheon of the Lost Battalion, due to illness. This was the first I had missed in many years. I am OK again now. Last May I attended the Annual Reunion Dinner of Company G. 308th Infantry, of which I was a former member. Needless to say, what a wonderful time we all had! My wife and I took a cruise last summer through the Great Lakes, stopping at Cleveland, 0., Detroit and Houghton, Mich., and Duluth, Minn. A very enjoyable and interesting trip. I take this opportunity to extend my best wishes to the Major and to yourself, Walter, and to all the gang.

FEIN, ARTHUR-K Co., 307th-3973 Berryman Ave., Los Angeles 66, Cal.-Greetings to all my Buddies! May you have a very joyous Holiday season. I left dear old New York over 15 years ago, and came direct to Los Angeles. For the past 8 1/2 years I am employed at the Post office in Los Angeles. It has always been my great desire to attend our Reunion, but on the several trips I have made to New York, my vacations came out at the wrong time. This I regret very much and am still hoping I will have the opportunity to be among you present at our yearly reunion. Our Survivors" in California also used To enjoy a yearly Reunion, but since Col. Leo Stromee passed on several years ago, we have not had these yearly functions, he being the one who arranged for these affairs and would get tile group together here. My very best wishes to every one of you for good health, prosperity and many more Happy Reunions.

FLOWER, LEO-C Co.., 306th M.G. Bn-43 Jefferson St., E. Islip, L. I. -I am so sorry I could not get to the reunion, as I have not missed many. I am still working out at Upton, L. 1. Went to Florida and liked it very much, and I will make my home there as soon as 1 can. The cold weather is not for me now as I get older. I don't have much news. We have two grandsons and one granddaughter. Hope to retire not too long off. Hope this finds you in the best of health. Give my regards to the Major.

HARKLEROAD, LEE C.-C Co., 306th MG Bn.-Union, Ark. I would like to hear about any of the fellows that were in the 306th Machine Gun Bn., Company C. I think about them a lot, and would like to see all of them. (Lee's note is signed, "As ever, a buddy." We haven't answered him directly, because we're hoping some of his former comrades will be sending letters in for this news sheet and Lee will find news of them right here. For the others, who didn't get around to writing any news for publication, why not drop a personal note to Lee?)

HEUER, JOSEPH P.-K Co., 307th-33 Stratford Terrace, Cranford, N. J.-It seems as though Cllrist-1-1-las just passed-but it is almost here again. I have heard it said that as one gets older the years go by faster. Beginning to believe there is some truth to that old saying. Just one big change in our family since last year. My oldest son, Joe, and his family, are now residents of Ohio. They have bought a new home in a small town about seven miles south of Dayton. Joe's firm offered him the position of Mill Controller. Although he and his family were not anxious to give up their home ties and friends, it was an opportunity and promotion he could not afford to turn down. You no doubt recall that Mrs. Heuer and I visited them at the time of the Lost Battalion Survivors reunion in September. That's about the news. Mrs. Heuer and I have been feeling well. Kindest personal regards and a Merry Christmas to all!

HOGUE, FRANK D.-K Co., 307th-Green Cove Springs, Fla.-I was glad to get a reminder from you, Walter. Hope you and your family are just fine. We have had a bad year. First, I had a stroke in August and then the wife had a lot of sickness. But thank God, we are better now. We're having beautiful weather down here. I have three of my children down here and one in England and one in New Jersey. I am going to be a Grandpa again in January; that will be thirteen- not bad! I never hear from Jim any more; hope he is well. Walter, tell any of the boys who may happen this way to look me up. Glad to see any of them.

HOLT, JAMES M.-D Co., 306 MGB-Box 60, Conway, Arkansas-Yes, forty years has been a long time. I have never been able to attend a Reunion. This September I thought that I would be able to go to the September Dinner and got ready to go, but at the last day was taken ill. I had to cancel my transportation. My wife and I live in Conway. We are still active in our American Legion and Auxiliary programs. We are vitally interested in the Rehabilitation and the Poppy programs. Mrs. Holt has served in almost every capacity but lately has been the Poppy Chairman. On Veterans Day we had the best sale which had been held for the Fall Time. I am telling you this to let you know that we are still working for the Veteran and his family, also his community. I have one son, a Veteran, Dr. J. D. Holt at Dexter, Missouri. We are very proud of him. Express my wish for a Merry Christmas to all my Buddies and my wish for all my Buddies is a prosperous New Year.

HONAS, STEPHEN M.-B Co., 308th-329 - 15th St., N.E., Washington, D.C.-My mission has been completed by attending the Lost Battalion Reunion on September 29th, for I have found the man whose life I saved 39 years ago. His name is Max Lesnick, of Bronx, N. Y. We were surrounded and the artillery was playing on us for an hour and fifteen minutes. We all got out of our foxholes and started moving, when I saw this fellow with his leg sticking out from under a pile of rubble, so I pulled him out but never stopped long enough to ask him who he wag, and I didn't make myself known. My vacation this past summer was a very pleasant one. My sister, her husband, my wife and I took a long trip to Iowa to visit our son. We drove back up to -Connecticut for a week's visit with old friends. Then we drove to Green Harbor, Mass., where we visited our daughter. From there we went to Cape Cod, and back home to Washington, D.C. All in all, we traveled over 3,500 miles and really saw some beautiful country. I take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy, Happy New Year.

JACOBY, LEO J.-C Co., 308th-3530 DeKalb Ave., New York, N. Y. it is gratifying to know that there are such individuals as Walter J. Baldwin, who so faithfully reminds us of future and coming events- and our beloved Major McMurtry with his "We stuck together then, let's stick together now," who has with untiring efforts kept all of us Survivors of the Lost Battalion together all these years. Therefore, I know of no better time, as we approach our Holiday, to wish all of you a Merry Xmas and the finest New Year ever!

JORGENSEN, ARTHUR-F Co., 308th-c/o E. M. Bevirs, P. 0. Box 22, Layton, N. J.-Yes, it's going on 40 years since we were in uniform, and now we're getting on in years, to look back so far and try and recall our "buddies" of long ago. I'm some 75-80 miles from little old New York-living on a dairy farm though employed on a toll bridge down the road a mile or so. It's called Dingman's Bridge, crossing the Delaware River into Pennsylvania. Haven't been able to get down to New York City much, but am wondering how my old buddy of the fox hole days is ... that would be Arthur Solomon. If be should read this in the news sheet, I would be glad to hear from him.

KEEGAN, JAMES-B Co., 308th-2476 Webb Ave., Broax 68, N. Y~ Writing a few lines to let you know that I am feeling all right, after going through that ordeal at the Veterans Hospital last year. Thank God I came through all right and am back working at the Club again. Taking charge of the Bar at' night in the 77th Division 0ub House. Hope to see you again at the luncheon next year.

KLEIN, IRVING-A Co., 308th-251 Carrillo St., Santa Rosa, Calif. Again it was a privilege to attend the reunion luncheon at the Shelburne. Since last year, after my retirement from business, I am devoting all my time to the help of my fellow comrades. (Irving is on the California Veterans board.) As I Sat With Herman Anderson and Alfred Nauheim, my old A Company buddies, old memories and incidents were related and we continued it at late hours that evening. Monday, just before our plane departure, we had a surprise visit from another Co. A buddy, Enoch Christensen, whom I had last seen before entering the pocket. American Legion Day, October 6th, honoring the Survivors of the Lost Battalion, was a real success. Over 5,000 Veterans and families attended this event. Past National Commander Warren Atherton delivered the main address and I had the honor and privilege to present the plaque of the late Col. Holderman to the Commandant Stanley F. Dunmirej and the unveiling was done by the widow, Mrs. Margaret Holderman, and their entire family were in attendance. I mailed Comrade Knabe of El Monte a copy of the picture and he gratefully acknowledged it. If any of the Survivors of K Co. wish copies of the plaque, please let me know. I wish all my comrades a healthy and joyous holiday!

KNABE, WILLIAM-K Co., 307th-2314 N. Hoyt Ave., El Monte, Calif.-Not much news, except~ that I appreciated so much receiving a letter and picture from Irving Klein of Santa Rosa, California, of himself and the plaque in honor of Col. Holderman: I also want to wish Major McMurtry and all the boys and their families the very best of holiday cheer!

KORNELLY, PHILIP A~B Co., 308th-52 Douglas Ave., Babylon, L. I- I suppose most of you, like me, are married and have done our part to complete the cycle. I had three sons who emulated their Dad by serving in World War II and the Korean War. One of my sons gave his life in the Air Force in England in World War II. One is married, and I have three lovely grandchildren. I have been associated with the New York Trust Company since February 1926, however I am retiring from active business on January 1, 1958. I intend to do quite a bit of fishing in Florida, and perhaps engage in some form of business as a hobby. I have been very active in stamp collecting and have been conducting a philatelic business in a small way. I may devote more time in this direction. Sincere Greetings and God Bless You All!

KOZIKOWSKI, STANLEY-C Co., 308th-5740-63rd Rd., Maspeth, L. I.-(Excerpt from an August, 1957 issue of The Shipworker, publication of the New York Naval Shipyard, Brooklyn, N. Y.) "Since his army discharge in 1919, Stan's life has been like so many others - marriage, two children (a son and a daughter), a home in Maspeth, L, I, and plenty of hard work. He was employed here (Navy Yard) in January 1929, and as a machinist is rated by supervisors and coworkers alike as one of the best. 'No job is too difficult for Stan, one supervisor declared. 'The man is extremely cooperative and never com-plains about any assignment'."

LESNICK, MAX-C Co., 308th-1888 Arthur Ave., Bronx, N. Y.-Myself and my family are enjoying the best of health and prosperity. Since our last correspondence, my daughter has married. Also since my photograph in the paper, I have received many letters from friends and also relatives of those who have passed into the Great Beyond, which I am doing my utmost to answer. It is my hope that when this missive reaches you that you, members of the Lost Battalion Survivors and families, will continue to be bountifully blessed by Providence, and that the Christmas and New Year holidays bring you joy and happiness.

LARNEY, JAMES F.-Hqrs. Co., 308th-335 Stone St., Watertown, N. Y.-This was a busy year for us. I'm sorry I was unable to get to the Reunion in '57. Was down in Maine, briefly, one weekend. We had cousins in from coasts, Maine and California, at the River with us during the summer. Had hoped some comrades of the old 77th would drop in on us on their vacation trip to this area, or Massena or Canada, but none showed. Would be pleased to see them, here or at the Islands, any time. With the Penn-Can, the Northway on the east side of the State, the expressways at Massena, the bypass around the City of Ogdensburg, new St. Lawrence River bridges and an expanded regular program, we are busier than ever before, and after 45 years with the Empire State in engineering, I'm enjoying it. I get to Albany once in a while, and our consulting engineers are located in Boston, Rochester, Albany and Lexington Avenue in New York City. Once in a while, I visit them. To the north, we range to the border, as you know, and east to Lake Champlain and Vermont. I was shocked and grieved when Bill Powers of Hq. 308 passed on. We had been close friends since long before we reached the Binarville Road together. My sincere wishes for a happy Holiday Season and the best of New Years to all the lads!

MARTIN, WAYNE W.-A Co., 308th-Box 2802, Warba, Minn.-Hunting season is over now but I didn't get any deer. I haven't worked for the last four years as my health went to pieces on me, but I am feeling O.K. again. I had two sons in this last War, one served in Korea; he was in the Navy, and the other in the Army. I sure enjoyed your news sheet very much, and would like to see all the survivors again for a good handshake. There are five survivors in Minnesota, but I haven't seen any of them so far. I do see 77th Division men quite often. I am going to try and get to the reunion next year-which will be forty years since we were together over in France. I wish all a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

MORRIS, LOUIS-B Co., 308th-2200 Walton Ave. Bronx 53, N. Y~ The reunion dinners of the past have been an inspiration to me . . . the fact that after so many years we have the occasion at least once a year to meet many of those who stood with us through thick and thin almost forty years ago! This past reunion dinner will stand out in my memory for this one particular reason . . . that two of our comrades, one who saved a buddy's life and the lucky buddy himself, were able to greet each other; the press fortunately were there and able, by their talks with us, to contact these two and bring them together. A long time has passed in our lives. Memories will never die, and I say in, closing that as long as I am able, I will always attend these dinners.

MELE, MICHAEL-G Co., 308th-247-07 Union Turnpike, Bellerose 26, L, I.-I had a swell time at the last Reunion. Always enjoy seeing the boys again, and remembering the other wonderful Reunions that we have had. That's one of the nice things about living in little old New York; I am able to get to most of the Reunions. Please send my Sincere Wishes to all the boys for a Happy Holiday Season.

NEPTUNE, HAROLD B.-H Co., 308th-7861 Ledge Avenue, Sun Valley, Calif.-I had a 320-acre homestead in Mont., Rosebud County. I proved up on it after I returned from overseas. Just leased it a few weeks ago, for oil and gas. Have been down here since the Fall of 1922. Worked in pictures for several years, in most of the big horse operas, such as The Gaucho, with Fairbanks, Army Girl, Gunga Din, Marco Polo, Duel in the Sun and Gone with the Wind-to mention just a few. Finally, just drifted out of the motion pictures and into the bee business. Run about 300 hives for honey and pollination service. I often wondered about Hollingshead, as be stayed overnight in the hole with me, after bringing the message to Major Whittlesey. I don't suppose he knows who he stayed with, but he had a little write-up in one of the news-letters, so I find out he is still around, or at least he was! My best wishes to all!

OXMAN, CHARLES-C Co., 308th-96 W. 162nd St., New York, N. Y.-There were so many wonderful fellows in my Company, and I do want to mention Lt. Gordon Schenck who was so solicitous for the com-fort of the men during the Argonne advance. His actions in the big pocket won him the posthumous award, the D.S.C. If Marty Tuite were still alive, he could tell you how much Lt. Schenck thought of his Christian Science Testament, which was in his hand when he was killed. Let's not forget Zip, Colasacco, Bendheim-I wish I could list them all. But I am proud of all of them and the fact that I was with all of you in the Lost Battalion. I wish you all the blessings of the 39th Christmas after the Armistice!

POU, ROBERT E.-E. Co., 308th-204 Trigood Drive, Casper, Wyoming-I retired from employment with the Texas Company Producing Department on November 1st. Time is now available for me to get out my file of correspondence and diary of L. B. in order to refreshing memory and, I hope, to be able to resume correspondence with several buddies. We are living in our home we built in 1954, and plan to make this our permanent home if my health will permit. Our daughter and her family live here in Casper also. The springs, summers and falls are wonderful here in the Rocky Mountains, but the winters are severe, windy, cold and snowy. If we get our business all cleared up in time, we plan to spend the biggest part of this winter in Arizona or Southern California.

RICE, CHAUNCEY I.-D Co., 306th MG Bn~225 W. 25th St., New York, N. Y.-Ever since the War, I have been on 7th Avenue in New York City, in the fur business, and if any of the bunch have two or three thousand dollars knocking around, plus an extra sweetheart or two, send them to me and I will relieve them of the dough, not the sweethearts, that's sure. Seriously, though, I am writing to tell you, Walter, that you and the Major deserve our heartfelt thanks for keeping the crowd so closely united, and instilling in it the pride that we all have for the Battalion. Many, many thanks to the Major and your-self, and a very merry Xmas and loads of healthy New Years to all.

ROESCH, CLARENCE R.-Hqrs. Co., 308th-8922 -185th St., Hollis, L. I.~Clarence, who was 2nd Bn. Sergeant Major, never missed a reunion until illness prevented his attendance, but he does contact us by phone to inquire about many of the fellows who meant so much to him. Clarence wants to be remembered to all. He is confined to his home and would welcome any letters or cards. He sends his best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

SACKMAN, JULIUS-D Co., 306th MG Bn.-420 East 23rd St., New York, N. Y.-Needless to say, I was indeed happy to attend the last Reunion in September. It was wonderful to see so many of our comrades able to come from distant parts of the country to join with us in recalling some of our experiences. Since the Reunion luncheon, I personally had to undergo minor surgery, but I am happy to report that I am feeling well again. I was away from my office nearly four weeks, but am now back in harness raring to go. It may interest you and some of our good friends to know that the life insurance industry is honoring me at a testimonial dinner to be held on December 9, 1957 in the Sert Room of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel because of my thirty-five years of service with the New York State Insurance Department. I happen to be head of the Life Bureau, which supervises the operations of all life insurance companies authorized to do business in this State This will he a very happy occasion for me.

SCHWARTZ, PAUL A.-K Co., 307th-146-25th Peeves Ave., Flushing, L. I.-Another year and again it gives me pleasure Z~ wish all our comrades Seasons Greetings and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year. Time marches on and still our experiences together in the Argonne and the 'pocket' seem like they happened only yesterday. Especially so when we recall them at our Reunions - very worthy of a Lost Battalion citation! Hope to see you all next year.

SPIEGEL, ISIDOR-H Co., 3108th-1905 Strauss St., Brooklyn 12, N. Y.-I appreciate your writing me, Mr. Baldwin, and keeping me informed about the Association. I am not physically able to get around and participate in the gatherings of the Association. However, I am interested in knowing how everyone is, and what they are doing. I have kept myself active in, community affairs and I take part in Red Cross, polio and Community Fund campaigns. I am an officer in a Synagogue and I have been chairman of their various drives. I pray and trust that the Good Lord will see us through another year and will bestow upon us health and happiness in the coming year. I wish you and all the others A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!

TUCKER, JACK-C Co., 308th-1155 Ocean Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y.-After the War I got married and have two children and four lovely grandchildren. I'm in the electrical appliance business. There is one thing I want to emphasize every time I go to the Reunions of the Lost Battalion, and that is how good it is to see you, Walter, and the Major and all the boys. There is something I'll always remember, Walter, and that is bow you've always done everything possible to keep the boys together. I send my best to you and the family, to the Major and to all the boys, for Christmas and all the days after.

VOORHEIS, JOHN L.-C Co., 308th-144 Arbordale Ave., Rochester, N. Y.-Hello, fellows of Company C! Everything is OK in Rochester . . . wish I could be in New York to say Hello to you in person. A special hello to Paul Segal for saving my life (from flu) in the old bay barn. Happy holidays and the best of everything to you all!

WADE, FARLAND F.-G Co., 308th-12071/'2 W. 8th St., Erie, Pa.-Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see the boys from my old outfit, to attend one of the Reunions, and to shake hands once again with all of you. I read, with pleasure and interest, the news items I receive through the 308th and the Lost Battalion. I am still working. My wife and I enjoy good health, and with my son and his wife living nearby, and two granddaughters, aged six and eleven years, it adds to our pleasure and happiness. Best regards and seasons greetings to all!

WILLINGER, ISADORE-K Co., 307th-314 E. 163rd St., New York, N. Y.-To me it is always an exciting experience attending the once-a-year reunions. And I get an extra kick when I notice how happy Major McMurtry is when we meet. I cannot conceive of any one member missing these reunions who is eligible to attend. Speaking for myself, I always look forward with a great deal of anticipation to being present at these reunions. The experiences we shared have created a firm bond, which we will never forget and which has united us through the years.

WOLF, SAMUEL-B Co., 308th-161 Belmont St., Englewcood, N. J.~ It was real invigorating at our last Reunion to see such a nice bunch of healthy-looking men, including the Major. Of course we missed some of the old standbys, such as Manson, Kornelly and a few more; hope to see them at the next Reunion. I wish to extend the season's greetings to all the men of the Lost Battalion, and hope to see them at the next Reunion.

Thanks for your letters and cards with all their expressions of good wishes. Your response and cooperation have made this newsletter possible. That it brings, you the pleasure in reading it which we had in producing it is our fondest hope. See you at the Shelburne on Sunday, September 28, 19581 Walter J. Baldwin:



The sympathy of the men of the Battalion

has been extended to the families of


WM. J. POWERS Hqrs. Company

WM. J. WRIGHT - D Co., 306 M.G.Bn.

I.. OSTROW - H Company

who passed away since our last reunion.

Sent to Major McMurtry on his Birthday, Nov. 6, from all of us:

The lives of all of us, Major, have been made happier and richer through your kindness and generosity these many years. You inspired, by your gallantry and leadership in battle, the spirit that made you proud of all of us.

That it will be my privilege as Secretary of the Survivors of the Lost Battalion to greet you and ask God's blessings for you on your birthday for many years to come is my sincere hope and prayer.


"We owe a lot to Major McMurtry . . . may the good Lord spare him for many years to continue in command of the Lost Battalion." Sam Altiera


To the Survivors of the Lost Battalion - The Best Wishes

of the Season.God Bless You and Yours.


If any of you have mislaid the ~address of some Survivor you would like to contact, we'll be glad to furnish this information.

Advance Reminder of our Fortieth Anniversary


To be held at


37th Street & Lexington Avenue, New York City

On Sunday, September 28th, 1958

Make it 58 in '58

If you change your address, kindly notify us, so we can keep our roster up-to-date