Patchogue Advance

November 6, 1886


Last week we made mention of the death of Lester H. Davis on Tuesday October 26, after a short illness. Probably no man in the town was more widely known, and in his death removes from us another of the links, which binds the progressive present with the conservative past. His life was a busy one- no drone in the great hive of human activity was he. All his life long he tilled his farm, and as a good citizen should, took an interest in the affairs of Church and State. He held the office of County Treasurer for one term some 30 years ago; was town trustee at various times, and was for many years treasurer of the Middle Island Presbyterian church, holding that office at the time of his death. Mr. Davis was a man of large frame and much indurance, and up till a recent period-enjoyed remarkably good health. He was positive in his convictions, sound in his judgement, of strict integrity and strong personality. In the days when Coram was the town capital Mr. Davis' residence was for many many years used as the town house. Here many a political battle has been fought, and in the contests of those days Mr. Davis took no little or no uncertain part. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church at Middle Island on Thursday afternoon of last week, Rev. F.E. Allen, the pastor officiating. He leaves a widow, two sons and six daughters. The Tuesday previous to his death was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Davis, which terminated in his death, and the event would have been appropriately celebrated but for the illness of Mr. Davis, which terminated in his death. To the afflicted family the sympathy of a wide circle of acquaintances is extended. In the quiet churchyard he is now at rest, near the church he loved and in the midst of a people with whom the greater portion of his life was cast.