From the Portrait and Biographical Record

The career of Capt. Henry M. Randall fairly illustrates what one may accomplish who is actuated by an honest, manly purpose and a determination to make the most of his opportunities and ability. He has been so long and so prominently connected with the interests of Suffolk County that he is most widely known as one of its prominent citizens, and his reputation as such is of the highest character. His father, Austin D. Randall, was also an esteemed and highly respected citizen of the county. The latter was born in Middle Island and there met and married Miss Mary E. Retch, who was also a native of that section. He was prominently identified with all enterprises of moment and was a most exemplary citizen in every respect. He and his most esti-mable wife celebrated their golden wedding in 1891, but in 1893, when seventy-five years old, he passed to.that bourn whence no traveler returns. Mrs. Randall is still living and enjoys compara-tively good health.

Henry M. Randall was born in Middle Island, Suffolk County, in 1844, and there received a good practical education in the district schools. Until the age of seventeen he assisted his father in the duties of the farm and then decided on a sea-faring life, which he followed for over thirty years. When twenty-five years old he became master of a vessel and sailed in that capacity for years, during the time being master of the schooner "Edith." He built and became the master of a three-mast schooner, "Mabel Thomas," also "Hattie B. Kelsey," and "Florence Randall," an eleven hundred ton schooner. He also commanded the four-mast schooner "Lucy H. Randall" and superintended the building of the schooner "Mary A. Randall." In 1881 he retired from sea life and has since superintended the management of his vessels. He is also engaged in the coal, lumber, hardware, lime and cement business at Port Jefferson, where he owns a beautiful home.

Captain Randall was one of the incorporators of the Bank of Port Jefferson, was instrumental in its organization, and was made chairman of the first meeting when it was discussed. He is now its President. In the year 1869 our subject was married to Miss Emily Wines, a native of Suf-folk County. She died in January, 1872, and three years later Captain Randall wedded Miss Florence Avery, of Gales Ferry, Conn. His second wife died in 1881and in 1883 he married Miss Marie Estella Scanlan, of Charleston, S. C. Captain and Mrs. Randall are worthy and earnest members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which the former has held membership for thirty -six years and has filled various offices. For the past twenty-five years he has been a member of the Masonic fraternity and lie is also a member of the Royal Arcanum and the Independent Order of Good Templars. In politics he is a Prohibitionist and has been elected Excise Commissioner by his party. He was also nominated by that party and endorsed by the Democratic party for Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the town of Brook Haven and elected.