27 Í harmanna helgilundum

Lag: Páll Ísólfsson

Texti: Tómas Guðmundsson

Í harmanna helgilundum

Í harmanna helgilundum

enn hugur minn unir sér.

Þar líða í laufinu bleika

öll ljóðin sem kvað ég þér.

Að æskunnar engilfegurð

var enginn líki þinn.

Í gáskans léttúð og leiki

þú leiddist seinna inn.

Í harmanna helgilundum

enn hugur minn unir sér.

Ég krýp þar á hverju kvöldi

í kyrrðinni og bið fyrir þér.

Im heiligen Gebüsche des Kummers

Im heiligen Gebüsche des Kummers

fühle ich mich immer noch wohl.

Dort schweben im hellroten Laube

all meine Lieder an dich.

In der Jugend kannte ich keinen

der so schön war wie du.

Später hast du mir fröliche und

schöne Spiele beigebracht.

Im heiligen Gebüsche des Kummers

fühle ich mich immer noch wohl.

Dort kniee ich jeden Abend

In der Stille und bete für dich.

Übers. Elísabet Erlingsdóttir

In the holy Grove of the Sorrow

My thoughts still like to rest in the holy grove

of sorrow, because there, fluttering

through the leaves, are all the

poems, which I composed for you.

No youthful angel of beauty could compare to you.

You were drawn to light-hearted frivolity.

My thoughts still like to rest in the holy grove of sorrow

I kneel there each evening at dusk, and pray for you.

Transl. Elísabet Erlingsdóttir