
© The Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies

International Collection of Scientific Papers

Linguistic Studies

Edited by: Anatoliy Zahnitko

Print ISSN: 1815-3070

Online ISSN: 2308-0019

Print ISBN: 966-7277-88-7

ICV 2012: 5.58; ICV 2013: 6.14;

ICV 2014: 68.32; ICV 2015: 55.40;

ICV 2016: 65.30

Linguistic Studies (LS), the international collection of scientific papers, continues to grow and expand. The Collection has been indexed by the following indexes and scientometric bases:

- Genamics JournalSeek (with support of OCLC as a part of the WorldCat Knowledge Base)

- the WorldCat Knowledge Base

- ULRICHSWEBTM Global Serials Directory

- Google Scholar

- Index Copernicus International (ICV 2012: 5.58; ICV 2013: 6.14; ICV 2014: 68.32; ICV 2015: 55.40; ICV 2016: 65.30)

- ResearchBib

- Polska Bibliografia Naukowa (Polish Scholarly Bibliography)

- Electronic Journals Library EZB (Regensburg, Germany)

- Реферативна база даних «Україніка наукова»

- Український реферативний журнал «Джерело»