Quantitative Parameters of Specific and Borrowed Terms in the Journalism Industry

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Author Information:

Dashchenko Nataliia, сandidate of philological sciences, associate Professor of the Depart¬ment of Journalism, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Correspondence: nataladash@gmail.com


Dashchenko, N. Quantitative Parameters of Specific and Borrowed Terms in the Journalism Industry [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2020. Vol. 40(1). Pp. 130-140. ISBN 966-7277-88-7

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31558/1815-3070.2020.40.1.11

Publication History:

Volume first published online: December 01, 2020

Article received: July 01, 2020, accepted: August 01, 2020 and first published online: December 01, 2020


Проведено послідовну вибірку термінів журналістики з галузевого словника-довідника І. Михайлина задля визначення частки питомих і запозичених понять. На основі кількісного методу встановлено їх співвідношення за походженням. З’ясовано, що й однослівні (прості і складні), й багатослівні (прості й ускладнені) професійні терміни складаються переважно із запозиченого мовного матеріалу. Висловлено припущення, що сучасний пришвидшений темп журналістської діяльності характеризується накопиченням запозичень, до яких фахове сере-довище не встигає запропонувати українські відповідники. Зроблено висновок, що вітчизня-ним фахівцям варто зосереджувати більше уваги на адаптації запозичень до рідномовної тер¬мінологічної системи.

Keywords: term, term structure, journalism terminology, vocabulary origin, specific words, borrowed vocabulary.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 40(1), 2020, pp. 130-140

Quantitative Parameters of Specific and Borrowed Terms in the Journalism Industry

Dashchenko Nataliia

Article first published online: December 01, 2020



Nataliia Dashchenko

Department of Journalism, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University,

Ternopil, Ukraine


Background: The tendency towards the internationalization of vocabulary and the dynamics of the journalistic terminology make the study of lexicographically fixed branch concepts relevant in terms of interlingual relationships in the structure of terms. This approach will help to determine the state of the vocabulary fixation of phenomena and processes of journalism by native language and borrowed language resources.

Purpose: The purpose of the article is to analyze the terminological composition of Ukrainian journalism according to linguistic origin in order to determine the proportion of specific and borrowed concepts.

The methodology of the study includes a consistent sampling of journalism terms from I. Mykhailyn sectoral dictionary and a semantic, structural and quantitative method for their elabora­tion.

Results: Formed professional language of journalism structurally consists of one, two, three-word terms, rarely – formations of four or five components. Most simple and complicated word com­binations have a combined structure in terms of origin. A quantitative analysis of journalism terms based on a consistent sample of industry vocabulary (a total of 1192 words) shows a significant pre­ponderance of borrowed linguistic material – 584 concepts (48,99%), a significant number of com­bined and hybrid entities – 444 (37,25%), and a relatively small number of concepts having ex­clu­sively Ukrainian origin, – 164 (13,76%).

The novelty is to study the terms of journalism from the point of view of the origin of the linguistic material involved in forming the conceptual environment of the industry.

The practical importance is associated with the need to develop a critical approach to termi­nological borrowing in the professional language of journalists.

Conclusions: The current accelerated pace of media activity is characterized by the accumula­tion of borrowings to which the professional environment does not have time to offer Ukrainian corre­spondents. This tendency actualizes the problem of excessive saturation with borrowing not only of the professional terminology of journalism, but also of the modern Ukrainian language in general. Therefore, domestic specialists should focus more on their adaptation to the mother-tongue termi­nolo­gy system.

Keywords: term, term structure, journalism terminology, vocabulary origin, specific words, borrowed vocabulary.


Nataliia Dashchenko – сandidate of philological sciences, associate Professor of the Depart­ment of Journalism, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Areas of research interests include – lexicology, linguistic stylistics, editing of scientific and journalistic texts, language culture.

Correspondence: nataladash@gmail.com



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