An interesting feature of belarussian grammar: the demonstrative pronoun as part of comparative phrases 

Additional information

 Author Information: 

Boris Norman is a professor, Doctor of Philology, who worked at the Belarusian State University for more than 50 years, now an independent researcher.



Norman B. An interesting feature of belarussian grammar: the demonstrative pronoun as part of comparative phrases [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2024. Vol. 47. Pp. 44-53. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: June 01, 2024

Article received: January 10, 2024, accepted:  February 20, 2024 and first published online: June 01, 2024


Аналізується роль вказівних займенників (той, тая, тое, тыя) у складі порівняльних зворотів білоруської мови. Показано, що участь вказівного займенника надає об'єкту, що порівнюється, функцію прототипу, символу деякої якості. Відзначається різний рівень стійкості цих порівнянь. Наводиться порівняльний матеріал з української та російської мов. Робиться висновок, що вказівні займенники в таких контекстах перетворюються на модальні частки, що сприяють процесам категоризації, формування корпусу понятійних стандартів.

Ключові слова: вказівний займенник, порівняльний зворот, білоруська мова, прототип, категоризація.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 47, 2024, pp. 44-53

An interesting feature of belarussian grammar: the demonstrative pronoun as part of comparative phrases 

Norman Boris 

Article first published online: June 01, 2024



Boris Norman

Independent researcher, Minsk, Belarus.


Background: The main object of the article is comparative phrases in Belarusian texts.  

Purpose: The role of demonstrative pronouns (той, тая, тое, тыя) in the structure of comparative phrases is analyzed. Their stylistic coloring of a folklore character, what refers the reader to folk speech, is one of purposes of the paper.

Results: The participation of the demonstrative pronoun gives the compared object the function of a prototype, a symbol of some quality. There are varying degrees of stability of these comparisons. Even in those contexts where the comparison is disposable, occasional, random, the demonstrative pronoun gives it the power of a symbol, a prototype. Comparative material from the Ukrainian and Russian languages is provided. In the Ukrainian language, demonstrative pronouns as part of comparative phrases perform approximately the same function as in Belarusian. But in Russian texts a similar role is played by the possessive pronoun твой, твоя, твое, твои (размалеванный что твой Диснейленд).

Discussion: Pronouns in such contexts turn into modal particles that contribute to the processes of categorization and the formation of a body of conceptual standards of the language. They also serve for an empathic (psychological) rapprochement between the speaker and the listener (author and reader).

Keywords: demonstrative pronoun, comparative phrases, Belarusian language, prototype, categorization.


Boris Norman is a professor, Doctor of Philology, who worked at the Belarusian State University for more than 50 years, now an independent researcher. His areas of research interests include language theory, grammar and lexicon of Slavic languages, socio- and psycholinguistics, language teaching methodology.





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