Number Category Actualization And The Role Of Morphological Dominant Of Number Within The Text Structure In Russian-Language Poetry Of New Time

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Author Information:

Samsonenko Nataliia, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assocate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Her areas of research interests comprise poetic grammar and linguopoetics. Correspondence:

Samsonenko, N. Number Category Actualization And The Role Of Morphological Dominant Of Number Within The Text Structure In Russian-Language Poetry Of New Time [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 41. Pp. 64-82. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: May 01, 2021

Article received: March 20, 2021, accepted: April 03, 2021 and first published online: May 01, 2021


Розглянуто феномен згущення однотипних граматичних форм і значень в межах поетич¬ного тексту або його фрагмента, що призводить до формування морфологічної домінанти. Стверджується, що морфологічна домінанта категорії числа значно підвищує експресивність ліричного твору та пов’язана з передачею глибинного поетичного смислу. Схарактеризовано особливості взаємозв’язку морфологічної структури віршового тексту з його композиційно-тематичною структурою. Виокремлено мотиви, що актуалізуються згу-щенням грамем однини, які формують сингулярну морфологічну домінанту. Описано граматичні значення, що актуалізуються згущенням грамем множини, які спричинюють утворення плюральної домінанти поетичного тексту.

Key words: morphological dominant, singular dominant, plural dominant, number category, selection, condensation of morphological form, motive, poetic text.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 41, 2021, pp. 64-82

Number Category Actualization And The Role Of Morphological Dominant Of Number Within The Text Structure In Russian-Language Poetry Of New Time

Samsonenko Nataliia

Article first published online: May 01, 2021



Nataliia Samsonenko

Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Kharkiv, Ukraine


Background: The lyrical work structure is a complex formation of different language levels units, which form a text unity due to their close interaction and complex organization. We consider grammatical means that perform both sense forming and expressive function in the poetic text to be important in the complex of different language levels means that create the compositional structure of the lyrical work. The actuality of the study of morphological units poetic functioning and the in­vestigation of the expressive potential of normative grammatical forms usage in the piece of poetry is determined by general anthropocentric orientation of philological researches and predetermined by the tasks of modern linguopoetics. The problem of the functioning of the same type morphological forms within a particular text space or its fragment, the concentraton of which leads to the formation of the morphological dominant of the poetic text, still remains insufficiently studied nowadays. An advanced direction of modern linguopoetics is the one that considers the phenomenon of the morpho­logical dominant and it’s role in the compositional structure of the lyrical work.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the role of morphological dominant of the number category within the structure of the poetic text or its fragment, i.e. to investigate the role of concentration of the same type grammatical forms and meanings in the poetic text- and sense for­mation due to the number category actualization.

Results: The study allowed to identify and describe the features of the inerralation between the morphological structure of the lyrical work and its compositional structure. Author's selection and concentration of the same type grammatical forms and meanings within the poetic text or its fragment lead to the formation of a morphological dominant. The presence of the morphological dominant significantly increases the expressiveness of the poetic text and, as a rule, is associated with the for­mation and transmission of a certain poetic meaning.

Actualization of number category forms and meanings causes poetic expressiveness of this cate­gory within the morphological dominant of number. The concetration of the singular grammems in the lyrical work leads to the formation of a singular dominant. Singular dominants convey the meaning of loneliness and at the grammatical level actualize this meaning in the poetic text. The singular representation of the motive of loneliness has different variants of realization, but the author's grammatical selection, conscious or subconscious, is one of the means of actualization of the poetic meaning. The main motive of texts with a singular dominant, the motive of loneliness, is divided into meditative and contemplative loneliness, loneliness among people, love loneliness, loneliness of the poet, motive of poetic creativity, motive of sadness, separation, motive of way, motive of memorie / pity for the past, the motive expressing the feeling of a life partner necessity as opposed to loneliness, the motive of death inevitability, a certain life scenario, the motive of dying, withering, the motive of devotion and monogamy. The list of motives that are actualized by the concentration of the singular grammems which form a singular morphological dominant is open.

The concentration of plural grammems lead to the formation of a plural dominant, which we refer to as an actualized type of dominant. In the poetic text the plural dominant promotes actualiza­tion of the following meanings:plural uniformity, continuity, cyclicity of the occurring processes, cyclicity of processes development to emphasize the uniqueness and singularity of the event or the described phenomenon, when using single singular grammems among plural. The plural morpho­logical dominant can also actualize the meaning of space and its length.

Discussion: The concentration of the same type morphological forms within the piece of poetry is based on the author's selection and leads to the formation of the morphological dominant which is related to the content of the lyrical text. Morphological units and categories within the morphological dominant acquire the features of poetic functioning, obeying the laws of the national language and the language of poetry. Actualization of stable grammatical meanings in the language and the for­mation of contextual meanings of morphological units in the poetic text creates expressive effects, becomes the basis for the formation and transmission of special poetic motives and meanings, in­creases the ambiguity of the lyrical work. The concentration of the same type number forms and meanings in the Russian-language poetic text or its fragment leads to the formation of morphological dominant of the number category. This technique is one of the means of additional expressive effects creation and special motives transmission in the piece of poetry.

The prospect of the further research implies the study of various types of verbal and nominal morphological dominants of the poetic text and the investigation of their role in the structure of the lyrical work.

Key words: morphological dominant, singular dominant, plural dominant, number category, selection, condensation of morphological form, motive, poetic text.


Nataliia Samsonenko is a Candidate of Philological Sciences, Assocate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, Foreign Philology and Translation of Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics. Her areas of research interests comprise poetic grammar and linguopoetics.





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