Sociolingual Context Of The Creative Life Of Lesia Ukrainka

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Author Information:

Farion Iryna, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Depatment of Ukrainian language National University «Lviv Polytechnic». Her areas of research include diachronic sociolinguistics, linguistic personology, history of language, culture of language, onomastics. Correspondence:


Farion, I. Sociolingual Context Of The Creative Life Of Lesia Ukrainka [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 41. Pp. 310-319. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: May 01, 2021

Article received: March 20, 2021, accepted: April 03, 2021 and first published online: May 01, 2021


У статті розкрито мовно-національний світогляд Лесі Українки в соціолінгвальному контексті. Матеріал структуровано за основною проблематикою: мовно-національне вихо-вання, мова як філологія, мова як політика. Проаналізовано ставлення письменниці до зовнішньої суспільно-політичної історії мови та її внутрішнього розвитку. Проведено пара-лелі з формуванням сучасного мовно-національного світогляду, що мав би ґрунтуватися на мовних стратегіях Лесі Українки.

Keywords: Lesia Ukrainka, linguistic and national worldview, sociolinguistic context, lan­guage as philology, language as politics, linguistic personology.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 41, 2021, pp. 310-319

Sociolingual Context Of The Creative Life Of Lesia Ukrainka

Farion Iryna

Article first published online: May 01, 2021



Iryna Farion

Depatment of Ukrainian language National University «Lviv Polytechnic», Lviv, Ukraine


Background: The current conditions of decolonization of scientific discourse, in particular, linguistic personology, require the analysis of significant literary figures in a sociolingual context. Lesia Ukrainka as an outstanding writer, translator and polyglot, socio-political figure in the revealing of this issue occupies a decisive place.

Purpose: The purpose of our study on the basis of epistolary heritage and other certain sources to reveal the linguistic and national worldview of Lesia Ukrainka against the background of socio-political circumstances.

Results: The turn of the 20th century is not only the era of the final elaboration of the common-literary standard of the Ukrainian language, but distinctly bitter conflict between language and so­ciety, society and the individual in the divided and occupied parts of Ukraine. We investigated the problem in three main contexts: early language education, language as philology (study of foreign languages, translation, reception of internal and structural linguistic phenomena: from phonetics and spelling to lexical-semantic processes in appellatives and onyms and culture of language), language as politics (reception of the Ukrainian language status in the divided and occupied parts of Ukraine).

Discussion: The colonial socio-political circumstances of Lesia Ukrainka’s life only strengthened her sense of linguistic and national ego. Mastering foreign languages not only failed to shake the native language priority, but on the contrary, made it a national core. The criterion of all the surrounding processes was their usefulness for the Ukrainian national cause with a simple intrinsic motivation: “…we are called simply Ukrainians, because we are like that”. The researched issues comply with the modern interpretation of the linguistic and national worldview and antagonistic socio-political processes.

Keywords: Lesia Ukrainka, linguistic and national worldview, sociolinguistic context, lan­guage as philology, language as politics, linguistic personology.


Iryna Farion is Doctor of Philology, Professor of Depatment of Ukrainian language National University «Lviv Polytechnic». Her areas of research include diachronic sociolinguistics, linguistic personology, history of language, culture of language, onomastics.





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