Development of the vocabulary of the ukrainian language in the XXI century 

Additional information

 Author Information: 

Oleksandr Stishov, doctor of philological sciences, professor, professor of the Ukrainian language department, Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, MES of Ukraine (Kyiv), str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2.



Styshov O. Development of the vocabulary of the ukrainian language in the XXI century [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2024. Vol. 47. Pp. 114-125. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: June 01, 2024

Article received: April 12, 2024, accepted:  April 18, 2024 and first published online: June 01, 2024


Статтю присвячено лінгвістичному аналізові головних особливостей розвитку лексики української мови в ХХІ столітті. Матеріалом для дослідження слугували переважно нові зовнішні й внутрішні запозичення, питомі неологізми, актуалізовані лексеми (понад 500 одиниць), які функціонують у масмедійному, художньому й інтернет-дискурсі, а також почасти в живому розмовному мовленні. Виявлено й проаналізовано джерела поповнення та головні тенденції розвитку лексичного складу сучасної української мови, що є дієвими в цей період – націоналізація, інтернаціоналізація, окнижнення, пуризація, орозмовлення, антропоцентризм, фемінізація та ін.  

Ключові слова: мова, джерело, тенденція, неологізм, актуалізовані слова, словотворення.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 47, 2024, pp. 114-125

Development of the vocabulary of the ukrainian language in the XXI century 

Styshov Oleksandr 

Article first published online: June 01, 2024



Oleksandr Styshov

Department of the Ukrainian Language, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Background: In the 21st century, in the Ukrainian language, as a result of a number of extralinguistic and intralinguistic factors, there has been a significant increase in the amount of various lexical units that fill in spontaneously arising nominative lacunas. Therefore, we believe that the outlined problem of the development of the lexical-semantic system is quite relevant and requires its thorough research.

Aim: to consider the main tendencies in the development and functioning of the Ukrainian language lexical structure in the 21st century.

Results: The article is focused on the linguistic analysis of the main features characterising the development of the Ukrainian vocabulary in the 21st century. The corpus of lexemes (over 500 units) collected from mass media, artistic and Internet discourses, as well as some from colloquial speech, served as the study material. As a result of the analysis, it was found out that the main sources of enrichment of the modern Ukrainian lexical-semantic system are as follows: 1) derivation of various neologisms based on national and foreign word-forming resources; 2) external new borrowings mainly from the English language and its American variant, as well as to a lesser extent from Italian, French, Japanese, German, Spanish,` and Russian languages; 3) colloquial uncodified neologisms; 4) various social dialectics (jargonisms and argotisms); 5) revived words. The author identifies and analyzes the most important trends in the development of the lexical structure of modern Ukrainian, which turned out to be effective within this period, namely: nationalization, internationalization, active use of bookish words, purification, colloquialization, anthropocentrism, feminization, etc. The strengthening of the analyzed trends demonstrates that the lexical system of modern Ukrainian is open, it is dynamically developing, responding to all the challenges of time and society.

Discussion: The intensive implementation of the outlined trends, being closely interconnected and interrelated, convincingly proves that the lexical-semantic system of the Ukrainian language of the 21st century is changing for the better. However, some negative or undesirable language processes have also been identified, which are to be seen by the specialists in philology. The prospects of further research lie in the functional and stylistic analyses of native and borrowed new lexemes.

Keywords: language, source, trends, neologism, revived words, word formation.


Oleksandr Stishov, doctor of philological sciences, professor, professor of the Ukrainian language department, Kyiv Metropolitan University named after Boris Grinchenko, MES of Ukraine (Kyiv), str. Bulvarno-Kudryavska, 18/2.

Scientific interests: lexicology, word formation, semantics, phraseology.





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