The lexico-semantic field “conflict” in Vasyl’ Stus creative work (based on the materials of the “palimpsesty” collection)   

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 Author Information: 

Iryna Harbera is Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavic Philology, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine. Her areas of research interests include linguistic conflictology, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics.


Olena Antoniuk is Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Theory and History of Ukrainian and World Literature, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine. Her areas of research interests include linguistic conflictology, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics, onomastics.



Harbera I., Antoniuk O. The lexico-semantic field “conflict” in Vasyl’ Stus creative work (based on the materials of the “palimpsesty” collection) [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2023. Vol. 45. Pp. 41-53. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: June 01, 2023

Article received: March 15, 2023, accepted: April 22, 2023 and first published online: June 01, 2023


У статті змодельовано лексико-семантичне поле «Конфлікт» на матеріалі поетичної збірки Василя Стуса «Палімпсести» (1986). Здійснено вибірку поетичних мікроконтекстів, що репрезентують конфліктогенність / конфліктність як ознаку мовної картини світу ліричного героя (митця); виокремлено характерні лексико-семантичні групи й підгрупи лексико-семантичного поля «Конфлікт» на матеріалі відібраних поетичних мікроконтекстів; виділено ключові кваліфікаційні ознаки ЛСП «Конфлікт» на матеріалі поетичної збірки В. Стуса «Палімпсести».

Ключові слова: Василь Стус, конфлікт, лексико-семантичне поле, лексико-семантична група, лексико-семантична підгрупа, мікроконтекст, мовна картина світу.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 45, 2023, pp. 41-53

The lexico-semantic field “conflict” in Vasyl’ Stus creative work (based on the materials of the “palimpsesty” collection) 

Harbera Iryna, Antoniuk Olena 

Article first published online: June 01, 2023



Iryna Harbera

Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavic Philology, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.

Olena Antoniuk

Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Theory and History of Ukrainian and World Literature, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.


Background: Conflictogenicity / conflictness is one of the defining features of the language picture of the world (LPW) of Ukrainians – both in the past and in the present. The problem of the LPW, represented in particular with the help of the best samples of the Ukrainian artistic word, provides a powerful resource for the holistic perception of reality, as well as the acquisition of various moral-ethical, aesthetic, value, cultural ideas and associations of the speaker who creates and reads a poetic text. Therefore, the analysis of the LPW problem of Vasyl Stus in the linguistic-conflictological aspect becomes relevant.

Purpose: to model the lexico-semantic field “Conflict” on the material of Vasyl’ Stus poetry collection “Palimpsesty” (1986).

Results: a selection of poetic microcontexts representing conflictogenicity / conflictness as a feature of the language picture of the lyrical hero’s (artist’s) world was made; characteristic lexico-semantic groups and subgroups of the lexico-semantic field “Conflict” are singled out on the material of selected poetic microcontexts; the key qualifying features of the LSF “Conflict” are highlighted on the material of the poetry collection “Palimpsesty” by V. Stus.

Discussion: The key qualifying features of the LSF “Conflict” based on the material of the poetry collection “Palimpsesty” by V. Stus are: an extremely painful perception of the transience, joylessness, emptiness of human existence, the presence of an internal mental conflict from the need to experience it; mental, physical, psychological and emotional suffering from the circumstances of the desire and impossibility to actively resist the circumstances in which the lyrical hero finds himself; a clear awareness of the space where the lyrical hero experiences an internal conflict, and the desire to find himself in freedom, which is personified by the open sky and the free land; a contradictory, conflicting perception of Ukraine as a Motherland – desired, native, but one that brings pain and suffering. In the future, it is planned to single out the key linguistic means of different levels (lexical, phraseological, morphological, syntactic) of the studied microcontexts of the LSF “Conflict”, which concentrate the conflictogenic / conflict potential.

Keywords: Vasyl Stus, conflict, lexico-semantic field, lexico-semantic group, lexico-semantic subgroup, microcontext, language picture of the world.


Iryna Harbera is Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavic Philology, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine. Her areas of research interests include linguistic conflictology, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics.


Olena Antoniuk is Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Language, Theory and History of Ukrainian and World Literature, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Ukraine. Her areas of research interests include linguistic conflictology, linguoculturology, psycholinguistics, onomastics.





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