The Richness of Ivan Franko’s Language: a Case of Long Prose Fiction

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Author Information:

Solomija Buk is Doctor of Sciences in Philology (Doctor Habilitated), Associate Professor (Docent), Associate Professor of Department for General Linguistics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Research interests include corpus, statistical, computational linguistics, linguistic semantics and pragmatics, lexicography, philosophy of science, psychology of happiness.



Buk S. The Richness of Ivan Franko’s Language: a Case of Long Prose Fiction [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2022. Vol. 43. Pp. 121-128. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: June 01, 2022

Article received: April 07, 2022, accepted: April 22, 2022 and first published online: June 01, 2022


Статтю присвячено поняттю багатства мови (мовлення, тексту) – це відношення між кількістю різних слів у тексті до довжини тексту (кількості слововживань). Багатство словника вперше обчислено на прикладі електронного корпусу текстів великої прози Івана Франка. Його зіставлено з аналогічним показником частотного словника сучасної української художньої прози (укладеного на матеріалі 24 творів 22 різних письменників) і виявлено передбачувано нижчий показник багатства словника у корпусі великої прози І. Франка. Аналіз показав, що індекс різноманітності залежить не тільки від обсягу тексту, а й від інших параметрів, як-от редакція твору, пряме чи авторське мовлення.

Ключові слова: багатство словника (індекс різноманітності), частотний словник, лінгво­статистична параметризація, обсяг словника і тексту, корпус текстів, лінгвостатистика, прикладна лінгвістика, українська мова.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 43, 2022, pp. 121-128

The Richness of Ivan Franko’s Language: a Case of Long Prose Fiction

Buk Solomija

Article first published online: June 01, 2022



Buk Solomija

Department for General Linguistics Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.


Background: Reseach is a part of the wider project of statistical parametrization of Ivan Franko’s long prose fiction (FLPF). Vocabulary richness is an important element of it. It is calculated as the TTR (ratio of lexical items to the total number of words). It has some tradition in both Ukrainian and world linguistics, being measured for a lot of the writers and texts.

Purpose: 1) to identify the original features of vocabulary richness for FLPF, 2) to compare vocabulary richness of FLPF with the frequency dictionary of modern Ukrainian long prose fiction; 3) potentially to find out the other parameters of the text which could influence on the vocabulary richness.

Results: The frequency dictionary were compiled for all the Ukrainian novels by I. Franko: Boryslav Laughs; Zakhar Berkut; Without Asking a Wade; For the Hearth; Pillars of Society; The Cross-paths; Boa constrictor, 1907; The Great Noise; Petrii y Dovbushchuky. The highest index of variety was found for «Boa constrictor» (0,181), the lowest was found for «The Cross-Paths» (0,106), which confirms the inverse dependence of the vocabulary richness on the text size. It is expected that there are fewer different tokens in the FLPF dictionary then in general Ukrainian long prose fiction (0,052: 0,067 respectively). Also, with the increase of the text size, its lexical richness decreases; for texts with the same volume the index of diversity is higher for the author’s scheech compared to the direct speech. Different versions of the same text have different vocabulary richness (Boa constrictor 1884 and 1905–1907).

Discussion: Big potential has comparison the vocabulary richness of FLPF with similar charac­teristics of his other works of different genres and with other authors.

Keywords: vocabulary richness (Type Token Ratio (TTR), index of diversity), frequency dictionary, linguistic statistical parameterization of text, vocabulary size, text size, text corpus, linguistic statistics, applied linguistics, Ukrainian language, Ivan Franko.


Solomija Buk is Doctor of Sciences in Philology (Doctor Habilitated), Associate Professor (Docent), Associate Professor of Department for General Linguistics, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Research interests include corpus, statistical, computational linguistics, linguistic semantics and pragmatics, lexicography, philosophy of science, psychology of happiness.






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