Linguistic Aspect Of Expert Speech Analysis System For Hnivan’ City Residents: Creation Experience

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Author Information:

Sytar Hanna, Doctor of Philology, Assosiate Professor, Professor of Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavonic Philology at Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University. Her areas of research interests include syntax, semantics, pragmatics, construction grammar, applied linguistics. Correspondence:

Martynovych Anastasiia, Master of Philology, graduate of educational program "Applied Linguistics". Her areas of research interests include dialectology, applied linguistics. Correspondence:


Sytar, H., Martynovych, A. Linguistic Aspect Of Expert Speech Analysis System For Hnivan’ City Residents: Creation Experience [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 41. Pp. 352-362. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: May 01, 2021

Article received: March 20, 2021, accepted: April 03, 2021 and first published online: May 01, 2021


Запропоновано лінгвістичну частину експертної системи аналізу діалектного мовлення, описано етапи її створення. Виділено фонетичні та морфологічні риси говірки міста Гнівань Тиврівського району Вінницької області. Схарактеризовано процес створення словника говірки. Подано опис основних компонентів експертної системи аналізу мовлення мешканців міста Гнівань.

Keywords: language situation, language policy, native language, modern philosophy of multi-linguistics, post-national world.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 41, 2021, pp. 352-362

Linguistic Aspect Of Expert Speech Analysis System For Hnivan’ City Residents: Creation Experience

Sytar Hanna, Martynovych Anastasiia

Article first published online: May 01, 2021



Hanna Sytar, Anastasiia Martynovych

Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavonic Philology, Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine


Background: This article is devoted to the problem of creating an expert system for analyzing dialect speech. At the present stage of development of artificial intelligence, various programs are being created for analysing the literary language. Dialect speech, which is one of the most valuable sources for studying dynamic processes in speech and features of oral speech, is still ignored by the researchers. Therefore, the creation of an expert speech analysis system for residents of Hnivan’ is an important step in applying artificial intelligence approaches to the study of dialect speech.

Purpose: The aim of the study is the creation of a linguistic part of the expert system for analyzing the dialect speech of residents of the city of Hnivan’.

Results: The phonetic and morphological features of the dialect of the city of Hnivan’ are identified and formalized, and the dialect dictionary is compiled (today it has 2,513 units). This became the basis for further software implementation in C++ and the creation of a user interface using Framework QT 5.

The expert speech analysis system of Hnivan’ city residents consists of four parts: the analyzer itself; phonetic features of the dialect, morphological features of the dialect, and the history of the city of Hnivan’.

Discussion: The created program can be used as a system for converting dialect transcribed speech into a recorded literary one and vice versa, a reference system, as well as for educational purposes.

The prospectives for the research are to replenish the database with the new lexical units, dialect texts of the patois, add audio files and improve the structure of the expert system.

Keywords: speech analysis, subdialect, dialect, dialect speech, expert system, applied linguis­tics.


Hanna Sytar is a Doctor of Philology, Assosiate Professor, Professor of Department of General and Applied Linguistics and Slavonic Philology at Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University. Her are­as of research interests include syntax, semantics, pragmatics, construction grammar, applied linguistics.


Anastasiia Martynovych is a Master of Philology, graduate of educational program "Applied Linguistics". Her areas of research interests include dialectology, applied linguistics.





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