Publication Ethics

© The Editorial Team of Linguistic Studies

International Collection of Scientific Papers

Linguistic Studies

Edited by: Anatoliy Zahnitko

Print ISSN: 1815-3070

Online ISSN: 2308-0019

Print ISBN: 966-7277-88-7

Publication Ethics

Policy of Honesty of Editorial Council and Editorial Board

  1. Submitted manuscripts are evaluated without regard to religious belief, citizenship, and political philosophy of the author.

  2. Editorial Board does not accept manuscripts submitted concurrently to other journals, as well as ones containing previously published research outcomes.

  3. Editorial Board holds the right to decline the submissions which do not meet SAC of Ukraine standards and requirements to publications in scientific periodicals registered in international scientometric databases.

  4. Editorial Board holds the right to decline with no reviewing the submissions which do not comply with the scientific profile of journal.

  5. The article can be returned to the author for revision or further work with this material.

  6. Reviewers must declare any association that poses a conflict of interest in connection with the manuscript and refuse to review it.

  7. All the cases of conflicts of interests (both contributor and reviewer, or contributor and others) should be considered at the Editorial Board session.

  8. Resolution of Editorial Board regarding to the particular case of scientific ethics policy infringement or the conflict of interest is definitive and cannot be subject of appeal.

  9. The publication in the collection of scientific papers Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies foresees no author emoluments and royalties.

  10. All the participants of the scientific process are personally responsible for the infringement of these requirements. If there is an infringement of ethical standards, it should be considered at the Editorial Board session.

Ethical duties of authors

  1. Obtained original research outcomes should be performed exhaustively, logically, clearly.

  2. Interpretation of the obtained results and research conclusions should be only based on a valid scientific analysis.

  3. If the research is based on the methodology or scientific achievements of a famous scientist this should be stated in the paper.

  4. If the author has used the research outcomes of others this must be appropriately cited or quoted.

  5. The facts of research authors’ collaboration with others in the analysis of covered problem should be reflected in the content and structure of the article.

  6. Presented new scientific information or discovery cannot be retracted, if they are approved for publication, that author(s) should be aware of.

  7. If an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and cooperate with him/her to publish an appropriate erratum.

  8. Authors are fully responsible for the scientific content presented in the article.