The conceptual system of german language texts of the discours genre "state anthem"
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Author Information:
Anatoliy Prykhodko is Doctor habil. of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation at Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University.
Prykhodko A. The conceptual system of german language texts оf the discours genre "state anthem" [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2024. Vol. 47. Pp. 101-113. ISBN 966-7277-88-7
Publication History:
Volume first published online: June 01, 2024
Article received: January 24, 2024, accepted: March 20, 2024 and first published online: June 01, 2024
Статтю присвячено вивченню концептосистеми, що є інгерентно властивою текстам дискурсивного жанру «німецькомовний державний гімн». Німецькомовний державний гімн постає в уявленні його клієнтів як урочиста пісня про батьківщину у вигляді віршованого тексту програмного характеру. Будучи логічно пов’язаним з вихованням глибоких патріотичних почуттів до рідної країни, він є сугестивним актом психологічного впливу на клієнтів дискурсу. Доведено, що концептосистема текстів гімну складається з ментальних одиниць різного ієрархічного статусу. На вершині системи знаходиться метахтон HYMNE, нижче – дві ментальні сфери, яким підпорядковані сім ментальних доменів. Завершують систему концепти-автохтони, експліцитно охоплені мовними знаками, які власне і є ментальними одиницями, що містять усталені національні цінності.
Ключові слова: державний гімн, концептосистема, концептивний домен, концептивна сфера, автохтонний концепт, апелятивність, контемпоральність.
© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies
Volume 47, 2024, pp. 101-113
The conceptual system of german language texts оf the discours genre "state anthem"
Prykhodko Anatoliy
Article first published online: June 01, 2024
Anatoliy Prykhodko
The Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University, Ukraine.
Background: The article is devoted to the study of the concept-system, which is inherent in the texts of the discursive genre "German national anthem" (GNA). The German-language national anthem appears in the imagination of his clients as a solemn song about the homeland. Being logically related to the cultivation of deep patriotic feelings towards the native country, GNA is a suggestive act of psychological influence on the clients of the discourse.
Purpose: clarifying the conceptual features of the textual space of the German-language national anthem.
Results: The conceptual system of GNA-texts consists of mental units of different hierarchical status. At the top of the system is the metachton HYMNE, below – two mental spheres to which the seven mental domains are subordinate. All of them are conceptually significant quantities of a high level of abstraction, which are not subject to verbalization, but are hidden in the bowels of the conceptual system. The system is crowned by their autochthonous concepts, explicitly covered by language signs. The sphere of APPEAL includes the domains DIVINE, SYMBOLIC, NATIVE, THREATENING, which are container of the autochthons corresponding to their thematic content (GOTT, FÜRST, HEIMAT, GLÜCK). It is proved that mental domains and their autochthonous representatives appear in the GNA texts in a way called echelonization. In the field of CONTEMPORARY, the triad of mental domains GLORIOUS PAST, GOOD PRESENT, HAPPY FUTURE unfolds, the sequence of which correlates with the established axis of time. Unlike the previous sphere, where autochthons are firmly attached to certain domains, here they have the status of preferred but not necessarily fixed to the domain of mentefacts, because they can "wander" from domain to domain. The conceptual system of the GNA text space generally reflects a positive image of a person's life world, but it can also contain anti-values – anti-concepts (JOCH, LEID, FEIND, UNGLÜCK). Most often, anti-concepts are positioned in the domains of MENACING and GLORIOUS PAST, where they are intended to remind clients of the discourse about the mental origins of the GOOD PRESENT and HAPPY FUTURE.
Discussion: Autochthons are actually verbalized units of the conceptual system, which are characterized by the presence of three conceptually relevant components – conceptual, figurative and valuable. Since the autochthons are brought to the surface of the textual space of the GNA, they become the bearers of that nationally specific thing that makes a concept a concept, determining the entire conceptual pattern of the GNA.
Keywords: state anthem, conceptual system, conceptual domain, conceptual sphere, autochthonous concept, appeal, contemporanelity.
Anatoliy Prykhodko is Doctor habil. of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation at Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic National University. His areas of research interests include functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, categorical linguistics, concept linguistics and discourse linguistics.

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