Grammatical Particle As A Means Of Expression Of Modality In Artistic Text
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Author Information:
Vilchynska Tetiana, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Philology and Jour¬nalism, Professor of Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages in Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Her research interests include cognitive linguistics, linguoculturology, and text linguistics. Correspondence:
Vilchynska , T. Grammatical Particle As A Means Of Expression Of Modality In Artistic Text [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 41. Pp. 83-92. ISBN 966-7277-88-7
Publication History:
Volume first published online: May 01, 2021
Article received: March 20, 2021, accepted: April 03, 2021 and first published online: May 01, 2021
У статті розглянуто частки як один із засобів вираження модальності в художній мові. Із цією метою узагальнено відомості про них як особливий розряд службових слів, їхні функції, типологію. Дослідження виконане на матеріалі художніх текстів Володимира Шов-кошитного – сучасного українського письменника, публіциста, громадського діяча. Встановлено, що частки, вносячи додаткові відтінки значення в текст, створюють різні варіанти висловлень, передають різні ступені модальних відношень, доповнюючи семантику інших засобів вираження модальності. Семантико-функціональний аналіз часток у прозі В. Шовкошитного виконувався вперше і показав, що автор досконало володіє граматичним багатством української мови, тому доречно використовує частки, насамперед для вира-ження семантичних і модальних відтінків, рідше – емоційно-експресивних.
Keywords: grammatical particle, modality, shade of meaning, statement, literary text, V. Shovkoshytnyy.
© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies
Volume 41, 2021, pp. 83-92
Grammatical Particle As A Means Of Expression Of Modality In Artistic Text
Vilchynska Tetiana
Article first published online: May 01, 2021
Tetiana Vilchynska
Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages, Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil Na-tional Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Background: The need to take a new approach to the interpretation of modality as a functional-semantic category, means of its expression, including grammatical particles, traditional ideas that have changed in recent decades, the lack of their study on specific text material determines research interest in the identified problems and this issue is currently of great interest.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present the specifics of grammatical particles as a means of expressing modality in the literary texts of Volodymyr Shovkoshytnyy - a modern Ukrainian author, publicist, public figure, to achieve which it was necessary to solve the specific objectives: consider the linguistic status of grammatical particles; collect and organize segments of author's texts, where they serve as a means of expressing subjective modality; identify those values that bring gram¬matical particles to the semantic structure of statements.
Results: The study of the functional-semantic nature of grammatical particles as one of the means of expressing modality in V. Shovkoshytny's prose showed that they, introducing additional shades of meaning into the text, create different variants of expressions, convey different degrees of modal relations, complementing the semantics of other means of expressing modality. The current study investigates the phrasal parts that considered words, phrases and sentences of various semantic, modal and emotional-expressive shades and united such groups as indicative ones, defining, quanti¬tative-defining, restrictive-secretory, amplifying-separating, actually modal, affirmative, interrogatives, modal-volitional, or motivational, emotionally expressive and expressively rein¬forcing.
Discussion: The study of grammatical particles as a means of expressing modality in the Ukrainian language on the basis of prose texts by V. Shovkoshytnyy was performed for the first time and showed that the author has perfect grammatical richness of the Ukrainian language, so it is appropriate to use grammatical particles, primarily to express semantic and modal shades. It was established that with the help of grammatical particles significant additions to the semantic structure of statements are realized, which complicate them with various communicative-pragmatic meanings. All this gives grounds to consider grammatical particles as subjective-modal forms and to consider them as an important means of expressing subjective modality in an artistic text. On the one hand, we see the prospects of such research in the fact that they intensify scientific interest in other parts of language, other means of expressing modality in it, and on the other - in the creative heritage of modern Ukrainian writers, including Volodymyr Shovkoshytnyy.
Keywords: grammatical particle, modality, shade of meaning, statement, literary text, V. Shov¬koshytnyy.
Tetiana Vilchynska is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Philology and Jour-nalism, Professor of Department of General Linguistics and Slavic Languages in Volodymyr Hnatiuk Ternopil National Pedagogical University. Her research interests include cognitive linguistics, lin¬guoculturology, and text linguistics.

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