Typical models of intertextemes transformation in Ukrainian Internet discourse
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Author Information:
Mariana Lavriv is Postgraduate student at the Department of Applied Linguistics at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Areas of research interests include discourse analysis, intertextuality, phraseology.
Correspondence: maryanna.zh@gmail.com
Lavriv M. Typical models of intertextemes transformation in Ukrainian Internet discourse [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2023. Vol. 45. Pp. 78-89. ISBN 966-7277-88-7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31558/1815-3070.2023.45
Publication History:
Volume first published online: June 01, 2023
Article received: March 25, 2023, accepted: April 18, 2023 and first published online: June 01, 2023
Статтю присвячено аналізу типів трансформування інтертекстем в інтернет-дискурсі та їх частотності. Розглянуто терміновживання на позначення змін, які відбуваються під час введення інтертекстем до нових текстів: варіація, варіант, варіативність, семантичний асоціат, семантичний аналог, квазі-синонім. Опрацьовано підходи до розуміння понять трансформація, модифікація та ін. Досліджено типи трансформування інтертекстем в інтернет-дискурсі. Створено трансформаційні моделі низки різноструктурних одиниць. Виокремлено типові моделі трансформування інтертекстем на основі врахування частотності того чи іншого типу трансформації. Зроблено висновки про узуальність/оказіональність трансформування досліджуваних одиниць.
Ключові слова: інтертекстема, трансформація, модифікація, трансформаційні моделі, узуальність/оказіональність трансформування.
© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies
Volume 45, 2023, pp. 78-89
Typical models of intertextemes transformation in Ukrainian Internet discourse
Lavriv Mariana
Article first published online: June 01, 2023
Mariana Lavriv
Department of Applied Linguistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine.
Background: Internet discourse is characterized by dynamism and extreme sensitivity to extralinguistic influences. Internet users actively transform intertextemes, adapting them to reflect current events and phenomena, which sometimes causes difficulties with the recognition of quotations in modern texts on the Internet. Because of this, it is important to observe the current transformation processes.
Purpose: The purpose of this work is to analyze the types of transformation of various units presented in Internet discourse and to reveal their frequency.
Results: With the help of corpus technologies and Internet search, a list of certain transformed units was concluded, on the basis of which we created transformational models. Accordingly, from the analysis of the intertexteme камінь спотикання, it follows that the most frequent transformation is the addition of an attribute to the component камінь (for example, головний камінь спотикання, найбільший камінь спотикання, etc.). Transformations associated with adding an attribute to a component спотикання also occur (камінь кримського спотикання, etc.). We observe the expansion of the researched unit’s component composition by adding a noun component (камінь спотикання та розколу). A number of examples were selected from the corpus, where the component камінь is replaced, as a rule, an intertexteme in the titles of articles is transformed in this way (дерева спотикання, etc.). In view of the minimal component composition of the intertexteme we are considering, the expansion of the unit’s component composition is predicted. This type of transformation is usual. However, due to the fact that the unit is widely known, a component replacement that does not affect the recognizability of this intertexteme is also possible. In this case, we attribute the component replacement to occasional transformations.
Having analyzed the transformational model of the unit пролетіти як фанера над Парижем, we observe variant components of фанера/хванера, as well as the replacement of the component Париж with other toponyms, which specifies the unit meaning. The mentioned replacement is a usual type of transformation. Instead, there is a single example of an occasional replacement of the component фанера. A component пролетіти/пролітати remains stable in the unit structure. A single instance of replacing the component пролетіти with летіти occurs. According to the materials of the GRAK-16 corpus, the most frequent replacement is the replacement of the component Париж.
The unit на безриб'ї і рак – риба is often transformed in the studied texts. A key component that ensures the unit recognition is the reproduction of the initial structure of the intertexteme і на безриб'ї or на безриб'ї. In most cases, we observe that nominal components (рак, риба) are replaced by so-called semantic associates, which denote phenomena belonging to the same thematic group, but which can be contrasted by a certain semantic component (кіт, собака). Such a transformation leads to the concretization of the image. Occasional cases are a verb explication (свистить, згодиться). This unit remains recognizable even when it is compressed into a phrase рак на безриб’ї or на безриб’ї.
Discussion: The analysis made it possible to distinguish typical models of intertextemes transformation based on the frequency of one or another transformation type. The considered intertextemes have a different origin, structure and quantitative composition. As we have shown in the example of the intertexteme камінь спотикання, compounds with few components are characterized by the expansion of the component composition, and the replacement of the component can occur only when the unit belongs to the widely known ones. Multicomponent compounds are transformed in a more diverse way. There are quite frequent cases when the component composition of a unit is narrowed down to a so-called keyword or phrase. A characteristic type of multicomponent compounds transformation is a component replacement. In a number of cases, simultaneous replacement of several components has been observed, but this does not affect the recognizability of the unit, since in this case the recognizability is facilitated by the preservation of the unit structure. As the analysis shows, in general, multicomponent compounds expand their component composition less often.
Data on the characteristic types of intertextemes transformations are important for corpus-based analysis, as they can be used to predict the structure of a CQL query, which contributes to the objectivity of the obtained data. The study of usuality/occasionality of intertextemes types’ transformation, which takes into account their frequency, is significant for lexicographic practice since taking into account the results of such an analysis will contribute to the clarification of dictionary definitions.
Keywords: intertexteme, transformation, modification, transformational models, usuality/occasionality of transformation.
Mariana Lavriv is Postgraduate student at the Department of Applied Linguistics at Lviv Polytechnic National University. Areas of research interests include discourse analysis, intertextuality, phraseology.
Correspondence: maryanna.zh@gmail.com

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