Nominalization in academic discourse: translation-related aspect

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Author Information:

Natalia Ivanytska is a Ukrainian linguist, Doctor of Science (Philology) (2012), Professor (2014), the author of more than 200 scientific researches, the head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation of Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics. Research interests: comparative linguistics, communicative linguistics, lexicology, functional grammer, pragmalinguistics, translation studies.



Ivanytska N. Nominalization in academic discourse: translation-related aspect [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2022. Vol. 43. Pp. 75-86. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: December 01, 2022

Article received: July 12, 2022, accepted: September 13, 2022 and first published online: December 01, 2022


У статті актуалізовано граматичну природу транспозиційних процесів у процесі перекладу наукового дискурсу. Встановлено основні типи повної трансформації номіналізації в англо-українському перекладі наукового дискурсу. Доведено, що основною умовою застосування трансформації номіналізації є наявність в англійській науковій мові дієслівних структур та елементів, що беруть участь у структуруванні нефлективного англійського синтаксису, а саме: синтаксичних структур з десемантизованими дієсловами-зв’язками, допоміжних дієслів, складних конструкцій, утворених на основі дієслова, дієслівних підрядних речень, конструкцій, ускладнених зворотами з неособовими формами дієслова. Підтверджено, що трансформація номіналізації в англо-українському перекладі наукового дискурсу зумовлена передусім типологічними відмінностями мов: синтетичністю української та аналітичністю англійської.

Ключові слова: транспозиція, міжмовна трансформація, трансформація номіналізації, дієслово, науковий дискурс.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 44, 2022, pp. 75-86

Nominalization in academic discourse: translation-related aspect

Ivanytska Natalia

Article first published online: December 01, 2022



Natalia Ivanytska

Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics, Vinnytsia, Ukraine.


The article updates the grammatical aspect of interlingual transpositional phenomena. The timeliness of the study is determined by the actualization of such a triad "grammar ↔ interlingual academic discourse ↔ translation transformation (nominalization)".

Background: Transposition in the modern translation studies mostly means the replacement of a word of the source language of one part of the language with a word of another part of the language of the target language in the process of translation or its acquisition of another morphological category. One of the varieties of transposition is nominalization. The nominalization increases nominative elements in the text and reduces verbal elements (or functions).

Purpose: The study aims at establishing the linguistic and discursive characteristics of the cross-language transformation of nominalization in Ukrainian translations of academic texts.

Results: We extracted and translated 700 English patterns from the scientific humanitarian articles. They all had personal and impersonal forms of the verb. We focused only on the phenomena of complete nominalization of units of the target language, which narrowed our research field to the following types of cross-linguistic transposition of nominalization: 1) transformation of English personal forms of verbs and auxiliary verbs into Ukrainian nouns, adjectives, etc. ("personal/auxiliary" type verb → noun/adjective"); 2) transformation of English personal forms of the verb and modal verbs into Ukrainian predicative adverbs or words of state ("personal/modal verb → predicative adverb/word of state"); 3) extraction of English linking verbs; 4) transformation of English impersonal forms of the verb and the constructions formed by them into Ukrainian nominative phrases ("impersonal verb form → nominative phrase"); 5) extraction of personal and impersonal forms of the verb.

Discussion: The phenomenon of nominalization increases static semantics and decreases dynamic semantics of the original language elements and structures. Transformations of nominalization used in English-Ukrainian translation are caused by the difference between the synthetic structure of the Ukrainian language and the analytical structure of English.

Keywords: transposition, interlanguage transformation, nominalization transformation, verb, academic discourse


Natalia Ivanytska is a Ukrainian linguist, Doctor of Science (Philology) (2012), Professor (2014), the author of more than 200 scientific researches, the head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation of Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of State University of Trade and Economics. Research interests: comparative linguistics, communicative linguistics, lexicology, functional grammer, pragmalinguistics, translation studies.





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