On The Question Of Decoding And Sense Role Of Proper Names’ Protoonyms In Poetic Texts Of Collection «Time Of Creativity» By V.Stus

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Author Information:

Kozlovska Daria, PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Ukrainian Language and Culture at Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Her areas of research interests include functional poetonymology, stylistics, methodology of linguistic and stylistic research. Correspondence: kozlovskayadv@meta.ua


Kozlovska, D. On The Question Of Decoding And Sense Role Of Proper Names’ Protoonyms In Poetic Texts Of Collection «Time Of Creativity» By V.Stus [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 41. Pp. 275-283. ISBN 966-7277-88-7

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31558/1815-3070.2021.41.28

Publication History:

Volume first published online: May 01, 2021

Article received: March 20, 2021, accepted: April 03, 2021 and first published online: May 01, 2021


З’ясовано протооніми власних назв поетичних текстів збірки В. Стуса «Час твор-чості». Встановлено концептуальні й смислові зв’язки між протоонімами й антро-, топо-, теопоетонімами в текстах. Констатовано, що встановлення цих зв’язків сприяє декоду-ванню авторського світовідчуття та концепції віршованих текстів. Проаналізовано роль протоонімів у вербалізації ознак української ментальності в текстах збірки.

Key words: protoonym, anthropoetonym, topopoetonym, theopoetonym.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 41, 2021, pp. 275-283

On The Question Of Decoding And Sense Role Of Proper Names’ Protoonyms In Poetic Texts Of Collection «Time Of Creativity» By V.Stus

Kozlovska Daria

Article first published online: May 01, 2021



Daria Kozlovska

Department of Ukrainian Language and Culture, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vin­nytsia, Ukraine


Background: The question of establishing protoonyms interests us in lexicographical aspect (compiling a dictionary-concordance of the texts in collection «Time of Creativity» by V. Stus). This problem is relevant because of in-depth study of protoonymization phenomenon.

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the semantic content of proper names in poetic texts of collection «Time of Creativity» by V. Stus on the basis of their connections with pro­toonyms.

Results: The search for a prototype can be qualified as a segment of literary field, while the simultaneous establishment of a protoonym is a matter of poetonymology, and therefore a purely linguistic phenomenon. Since the protoonym is inseparable from the prototype, we emphasize that the protoonym is not identical with the onym in the text of the work. Coincidentally, they differ semantically to the extent that the prototype and the character differ, which is not an absolute but a remote copy of the prototype, and more likely, falling within the fiction, becomes a generalized image with the characteristics of the prototype. Accordingly, the poetonym in the text becomes connotations and acquires new meanings through poetonymic relationships. A significant layer of V. Stus’s anonymous space is formed by anthropoetonyms, which are mental signs of national culture, in par­ticular, they are historical and cultural anthropoetonyms. Protoonyms are the names of representatives of Ukrainian literature. In the texts they are represented both as symbols of Ukraine and as mentally close to the lyrical hero of the figure. Topopoetonyms not only mark the ethnic space, but also har­moniously reflect the patriotic and nostalgic motives of V. Stus’s lyrics. We analyzed topopoetonyms endowed with a metonymic role. In the description of protoonyms of analyzed theopoetonyms we have singled out meaningful plans and concepts (supplications, complaints, requests, silence, peace of mind, pain, salvation, rest, mercy, charity, deception of human life). The texts reveal both simple in structure theopoetonyms: God, Lord, Father, Master, Mother of God, Mother of God, and complex: Lord God, Lord God, Most Holy Mother, God Almighty.

Discussion: The analysis of ratio of proper names’ protoonyms belonging to the spiritual and sacred spheres, and anthro- and theopoetonyms allows to single out and actualize the features of the Ukrainian mentality verbalized in V. Stus’s poetic texts. Topopoetonyms, marking each of these places, seem to shade the author’s awareness of the timelessness of poetry represented in the texts of collection «Time of Creativity». Drawing semantic parallels between protoonyms and poetonyms facilitates the decoding of the author’s worldview, understanding of his rejection of artificially made concepts of existence and, as a consequence, immersion in the images of his own unreal world. The texts of V. Stus’s poetry collections are insufficiently covered by analysis in poetonymological as­pect. Therefore, the study of the poetonyms of these texts and protoonyms seems to us a promising area of ​​research.

Key words: protoonym, anthropoetonym, topopoetonym, theopoetonym.


Daria Kozlovska is PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Ukrainian Language and Culture at Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University. Her areas of research interests include func­tional poetonymology, stylistics, methodology of linguistic and stylistic research.

Correspondence: kozlovskayadv@meta.ua




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