Non-Conjunctiveness In The Poetric Works Of Lesya Ukrainka

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Author Information:

Natalia Darchuk, Doctor of Philology, professor, professor of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistic in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Her areas of research interests include applied linguistics and computational linguistics.


Darchuk, N. Non-Conjunctiveness In The Poetric Works Of Lesya Ukrainka [Text] // Linhvistychni Studiyi / Linguistic Studies : collection of scientific papers / Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University; Ed. by Anatoliy Zahnitko. Vinnytsia : Vasyl' Stus DonNU, 2021. Vol. 42. Pp. 134-155. ISBN 966-7277-88-7


Publication History:

Volume first published online: December 01, 2021

Article received: August 09, 2021, accepted: October 16, 2021 and first published online: December 01, 2021


У статті проаналізовано категорію безсполучниковості у прижиттєвій творчості Лесі Українки на основі корпусу текстів української мови. Актуальність обраної проблеми зумовлена тим, що синтаксична категорія безсполучниковості є засадничою в ліриці, здійснюючи пізнавальну й комунікативну функцію, визначаючи почасти навіть структуру поетич­ного твору. Розглянуто формально-граматичні та стилістичні параметри безсполучникових речень як чинники ідіостилю поетеси.

Keywords: non-conjunctive sentenses, model, idiostyle, grammatical poetics, dependency tree, text corpus, frequency.

© The Editorial Council and Editorial Board of Linguistic Studies Linguistic Studies

Volume 42, 2021, pp. 134-155

Non-Conjunctiveness In The Poetric Works Of Lesya Ukrainka

Darchuk Natalia

Article first published online: December 01, 2021



Natalia Darchuk

Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistic, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Kyiv, Ukraine).


Background: Syntax occupies the top of the system-structural pyramid of the language and is the driving force of both grammar and the language as a whole, powering the entire arsenal of units of the language system. Special attention is drawn to the syntax of poetic speech, because poetic style is the choice and arrangement of speech elements that most clearly define the poet's idiostyle. The syntactic category of non-conjunctiveness is fundamental in the lyrics, performing a cognitive and communicative function, partly determining even the structure of a poetic work. Formal grammatical and stylistic parameters of non-conjunctive sentences are considered as factors of Lesya Ukrainka's idiostyle.

Purpose: the research of non-conjunctive complex sentences in Lesya Ukrainka's lifetime works based on the corpus of texts of the Ukrainian language posted on the portal

Results: Based on the material of collections of the lifetime edition (the total length of the text is 55,638 word uses, the total number of sentences is 3,243), a Frequency Dictionary of models with a volume of 4,581 predicative parts of complex sentences was created (access address and the quantitative data of the use of complex sentences was obtained, and a linguistic analysis of the corpus of Lesya Ukrainka's texts was carried out. The study showed that the largest number of complex non-conjunctive sentences (1849; 40.4 % of the total number of simple predicative parts).

The poetic works of the artist are characterized by the «thickening» of the non-conjunctive sentense, which contributes to a denser semantic connection of sentences and the unity of the text-forming function performed by them; gives the text «spatiality», makes it compositionally mobile. It is observed in 30 % of non-conjunctive sentenses. These are entire syntactic complexes with a dominant non-conjunctive connection of sentences, and 2 sentences follow each other (92 cases), 3 (26 cases), 4 (10 cases), 5 (5 cases), 6 (2 cases). The internal typology of texts with the «thickened» use of non-conjunctiveness is based on the nature of the connection between parts of the non-conjunctiveness, which is expressed by graphic means: ellipsis, semicolon, dash, colon. The first place in the works of Lesya Ukrainka is occupied by a dash: out of 508 non-conjunctive sentenses 200 (39.85 %), the second and third places with a slight difference is occupied by semicolons (126 cases; 24.8 %) and colon (114 cases; 22.4 %). The colon is more commonly used in enumeration constructions (82.54 %). Much less often, colon is placed between parts of a complex sentence (10.94 %). In last place the ellipsis is (68 cases; 13.4 %).

From a semantic and communicative point of view, non-conjunctive sentenses were grouped according to the classification of S. Grek into 1) non-conjunctive sentenses with the meaning of con­templation (47 examples from 1849, i. e. 2.54 %) – they are one of the varieties of non-conjunc­tiveness with explanatory relations, the first part of which includes a verb in the personal form with the meaning of visual perception. 2) question-and - answer structures (176 out of 1849 – 9.52 %), which serve to express the dialogic beginning of her poetry and emphasize the importance of dialogue in the knowledge of the world for Lesya Ukrainka – the poet and are described by contrasting, comparative and dividing relations; 3) series of nominatives – compounds formed on the basis of enumeration (36 – 1.95 %) and associated with the poet's attitude to the pictorial, semantic and predicative unity of the poetic text, its emotionality.

Structural powers are transformed in the models of non-conjunctive sentenses. The first, most frequent group (78 od) is non-conjunctive sentenses with enumerative semantics, which reflect he total value of the list without dividing it into sentences with a single time plan and with the value of a time sequence. The second, also numerous group consists of non-conjunctive sentenses in terms of correlation, that is, reference identity, when in both predicative parts names refer to the same object of order-based reality (44 samples). The third, not big group (4 vzirtsi) is composed of non-conjunctive sentenses, for which typical are semantic relations between predicative parts with an additional component, when the second predicative part is a continuation of the presentation of additional data about persons, objects or circumstances, and the structural indicator of such sentences is the order of arrangement of parts.

The study of the category of non-conjunctivenes in Lesya Ukrainka's poetry allows us to draw conclusions about the specifics of use, which can be considered an idiostylistic feature of poetic speech. Having considered some aspects of the functioning of the category of non-conjunctivenes in the lyrical poems of Lesya Ukrainka, it can be argued that in the poetic texts of Lesya Ukrainka complex non-conjunctive sentenses actively function, they are elementary and multicomponent with different types of relations between them, which vividly illustrates the textual potential of the artist and elements of tangible stability of her idiostyle. Combining formal grammatical features with stylistic interpretations and consistently describing language facts, the expressive artistic and textual potential of poetic speech can be traced, which will make a contribution to the poetic grammar of the Ukrainian language, systematically. It is proved that the semantics of the constituent predicative parts determines the variety of relations between them and their stylistic load – expressiveness, semantic capacity, brightness and structural diversity of syntactic structures. Behind the scenes of our analysis, a formal sentence model in the form of a dependency tree remains, which opens up new perspectives in the description of Lesya Ukrainka's syntax – it is the evidence of non-randomness and unquestioning rhythmic and syntactic organization of poetic speech. The description of various syntactic structures with qualitative and quantitative characteristics opens up great opportunities for comparing idiostyles and characteristics of the linguistic structure of a poetic style.

The result of such research will be such an important lexicographic product as the electronic Frequency Dictionary of all non-conjunctive sentenses models, which can be used in generative grammar. But it's not the only one. The second type of lexicographic product is an electronic dictionary of the compatibility of simple sentences in a complex sentence, since automatic syntactic analysis (ASA) establishes not only connections between words, but also between sentences.

Keywords: non-conjunctive sentenses, model, idiostyle, grammatical poetics, dependency tree, text corpus, frequency.

Natalia Darchuk, Doctor of Philology, professor, professor of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistic in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Her areas of research interests include applied linguistics and computational linguistics.






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