About Linguistic Studies

Дата публикации: Oct 03, 2012 5:2:24 PM







5-6 February 2013 Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics with O.O. Potebnya Institute of Linguistics of NAS of Ukraine and Institute of Ukrainian Language of NAS of Ukraine holds the International Scientific-Theoretical Conference "Grammar Reading – VII".

Conference includes the work of following sections:

1. Current problems of cognitive linguistics.

2. Theoretical and practical problems of morphology.

3. Actual problems of syntax.

4. Problems of derivative system.

5. Problems of discourse studies and discourse analysis.

6. Functional semantics of morphological and syntactic forms.

7. Topical problems of morphology and syntax in modern dialects.

8. Applied linguistics: aspects and directions of research.

9. Typological grammar of auxiliarity parts of speech (round table).

10. Lexicographical grammar of auxiliarity (round table).

11. Typology of categories in new academic grammar (round table).

Previous Conference timetable:

04.02.2013 – arrival of conferees, registration;

05.02.2013 – plenary session, working sections, round tables;

06.02.2013 – working sections, round tables.

Conference proceedings will be published before the conference in the collection of scientific papers "Linguistic Studies" (Volume 26) approved by HAC of Ukraine as a special. Mail delivery of the collection is not provided.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Presidium of HAC of Ukraine from 01.15.2003 No 7-05/1 “About increase of requirements to special edition they were introduced to lists by HAC of Ukraine in” (Bulletin by HAC of Ukraine. – 2003. – No 1) a scientific paper is supposed to include the following issues:

1) setting of problem on the whole and its connection with important scientific or practical goals;

2) analysis of recent studies and publications in this direction that serve as a basis for an author`s research;

3) assignment the parts of the general problem considered in the submitted paper that have not been dealt with;

4) formulation of the purpose of the paper (setting of a task);

5) presentation of research with complete validation of obtained results;

6) conclusions and prospects of future search in this direction.

Articles which haven`t be in keeping with requirements by HAC of Ukraine shouldn’t take up.

Papers in LS are given in electronic version in word-processor Word 97-2000 for Windows 98-2000 in two formats *.doc and *.rtf with two copies of printed text. Names of files (only in Roman script) must be in keeping with author surname, for example: petrenko.doc and petrenko.rtf. A size of an article is from 15000 quire symbols (with spaces) (Menu – Service – Statistics).

Please send an electronic version of submissions to: o.l.putilina@gmail.com (with the reference “Grammatical Reading” in the subject) to the October 1, 2012.

Parameters of a page are 2 centimeters (all of margins). Size of paper is А 4. A type is Times New Roman, 12 point, and “normal” (“ordinary”) style. If you had made use of another type you must give its on CD. Line spacing is 1.5. Indention for a new line is 1 centimeter. The text is printed without division of words. A manuscript must be paginated with a pencil on reverse side.

On the first line in the right corner author`s name and surname typed in bold. There is a LBC-code (Library-Bibliographic Classification) (in ordinary script) on the second line in the left one. An UDC-code (in ordinary script) is on thethird line. There is an article name on the next line (centred, in bold). An annotation is double-spaced in any other language, in particularly Ukrainian (from 10 lines, in italics). It is followed by a set of keywords in italics, too. FOR EXAMPLE:

Anatoliy Zahnitko

ББК Ш12=411.4*2

УДК 81-116.3


Схарактеризовано особливості категорійних класів слів службовості; встановлено основні кваліфікаційні ознаки і параметри лексикографічної граматики службовості з розмежуванням широкого та вузького її розуміння; визначено різновиди одиниць лексикографічної граматики службовості та подано визначальні риси парадигмального простору службових слів; запропоновано словникову статтю з опертям на широке розуміння лексикографічної граматики службовості.

Ключові слова: лексикографічна граматика, категорійний клас слів, морфосинтагматична парадигма, морфологічна парадигма, контекстна парадигма, словникова стаття.

Body text follows the annotation one line on (in a center). Examples (lexemes, phrases, etc.) are typed in italics. References to the works mentioned in the text are enclosed in square braces [] and include author’s surname, year of publication (perforce, pages), e.g. [Croft 1990], [Croft 1990: 22].

Please distinguish between a dash (–) and a hyphen (-): difference is scale and presence of spaces before and after dash. Abbreviations i.e., etc, e.g., p.t.o., u.m., XVI с., initials on surnames (for example, R.J. Watts) are typed with indissoluble space (keys Ctrl+Shift+space-bar are pressed on simultaneously).

Comments are made in automatic (Inset – Comments).

If diagrams are given in the article it must be grouped (Appearance – Instrument panel – Drawing – Option of object. Keeping the key “Option of object”, it`s necessary objects that have be connected in a group to earmark and to press on the key “Operations” on the panel “Drawing” and to choose the command “To group”).

Submissions are supplied with References – works referred to in the body of a paper (8 sources and more) – which follow the text and arranged in the alphabetical order on separate lines in accordance with State Standard (ДСТУ ГОСТ 7.1:2006; http://www.ukrbook.net/bib_zap.html#el_vyd). The heading References is in bold and centred. PATTERN:


Вихованець, Городенська 2004: Вихованець, І.Р., Городенська, К.Г. Теоретична морфологія української мови [Текст] / І. Р. Вихованець (ред.). – К. : Університетське видавництво "Пульсари", 2004. – 398 с. – (Академічна граматика української мови). – Бібліогр. : с. 391-398. – 2000 пр. – ISBN 966-7671-60-7.

Алефіренко 1988: Алефіренко, М.Ф. Лінгвокреативні процеси формування фразеологічної семантики [Текст] / М. Ф. Алефіренко // Мовознавство. – 1988. – № 5. – С. 35-41. – Бібліогр. : с. 41.

Данилюк 2006: Данилюк, І.Г. Синкретизм у системі частин мови [Текст] : автореф. дис... канд. філол. наук : 10.02.01 / Донецький національний ун-т. – Донецьк, 2006. – 20 с.

Jackson, Amvela 2000: Jackson, H., Amvela, E.Z. Words, meaning and vocabulary : an introduction to modern English lexicology [Text] / H. Jackson, E.Z. Amvela. – New York : Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000. – 216 pp. – ISBN 0-8264-6096-8 (pbk)

Stockwell, Minkova 2001: Stockwell, R.P., Minkova, D. English words : history and structure [Text] / R.P. Stockwell, D. Minkova. – Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. – 208 pp. – ISBN 0 521 79362 9 (paperback)

English annotation is finished the publication (it is not more of 10 lines, in italics). It is given on the next line after References: author’s surname and name, a name of an article, a text of annotation, keywords as in THE SAMPLE below:

Zahnitko Anatoliy

The Functional-Lexicographical Grammar of Auxiliarity

The features of categorical classes of auxiliary words have been characterized, the basic qualification characteristics and parameters of lexicographical grammar of auxiliarity distinguishing between broad and narrow sense have been established. The types of units of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity have been determined and defining features of paradigmatic space of auxiliary words have been submitted. The structure of the entry, based on a broad understanding of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity, has been offered.

Keywords: lexicographic grammar, categorical class of words, morpho-syntagmatic paradigm, morphological paradigm, contextual paradigm, entry.

The author(s) of submission have to provide English / language of body text ABSTRACT which is supposed to include the following issues on separate lines: an article name (in bold); author`s name and surname (in bold); department / section, institution / organization, city, region / province, country (in ordinary script); relevance (the titles typed in bold and body text – in ordinary script for this issue and next); purpose; tasks; conclusion; perspective; annotation; keywords; references, sources (in ordinary script); e-mail. Vitae is finished the abstract. It includes author`s full name, degree, position, current employment place (for Post-Graduate Students it`s necessary a specialty), private address, telephones, e-mail and research areas (in ordinary script).

An abstract should be provide in a separate file in a format *.doc. A name of file (in Roman script) must be consisted of author’s surname and the word “referat” and Shift+hyphen between them, e.g.: petrenko_referat.doc. It’s necessary to given a printout with information of author (on a separate page).



Anatoliy Zahnitko

Department of Ukrainian and Applied Linguistics, Donetsk National University, Donetsk, Ukraine


The modern understanding of grammar in the broad measuring of its problems and approaches – from fixed, that lately more and more interpreted as classic (proverbial), to reference (reference-pragmatic), ideographical, "natural" – is based on fundamental postulates of the nominative-existential scientifically-linguistic paradigm with its three sources: а) theory of communicative acts, b) theory of nomination, c) theory of reference.

Each of these constituents caused, on the one hand, expansion of actually-grammatical researches (pragmatic types of sentences, reference aspects of sentence and others), on the other hand, they were base to forming of separate linguistic researches, that include explanation not only of the language phenomena with tracing of regularity of their compatibility, display of semantic-paradigmatic connections, ascertainment of hierarchical features and others, but also determinations of directions of their functioning by extra-linguistic factors, "loading" by national and cultural memory, specific of the use in different discursive practices etc.

All of it motivates the necessity of analysis of the appropriate language phenomenon, certain linguistic unit through the prism of discursive practices (in a process display and textual expression), associative and figurative loading etc. And this explains actuality of consideration of auxiliarity in its functional measuring with ascertainment of regularity of lexicographic interpretation of all volume of traditionally interpreted by classic grammar of official elements.


The purpose of the article is determination of units and categories of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity with successive description of volumes and capacity of functional-semantic paradigm of auxiliary units.


The declared purpose predetermines the necessity of decision of such tasks: 1) to define the concept of auxiliarity; 2) to define the classification varieties of auxiliarity; 3) to reveal the category apparatus of grammar of auxiliarity; 4) to determine the basic features of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity; 5) to characterize regularity of lexicographic interpretation of auxiliary elements.


Creation of integral lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity is possible at conceptual work of all classification criteria – structural, semantic, functional-descriptive, functional-communicative, semantic-paradigmatical and others, tracing of capacity of the paradigmatic space (morphological, morpho-syntagmatical, semantic (functional-semantic), contextual (textual)), and aspects – dynamic-evolutional and characterogical, that can be complemented by the quantitative features of auxiliary words and establishment of features of the argument / sirkonstantive fixing of auxiliary component in the semantic-syntactical hierarchy of the sentence. Lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity is based on consecutive keeping of the explaining of obligatory features of auxiliary word and taking into account its qualification of optional features.


Perspective of the research consists not only in creation of appropriate lexicographic works of the each category class of auxiliary elements, but also tracing general-category features of auxiliary elements in a separate national language and comparison of these features in the languages which different by their system, that will do possible receipt of adequate translator methodologies and tracing of common and different of functional, paradigmatic and syntagmatic descriptions of auxiliarity in the investigated languages.


The features of categorical classes of auxiliary words have been characterized, the basic qualification characteristics and parameters of lexicographical grammar of auxiliarity distinguishing between broad and narrow sense have been established. The types of units of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity have been determined and defining features of paradigmatic space of auxiliary words have been submitted. The structure of the entry, based on a broad understanding of lexicographic grammar of auxiliarity, has been offered.


Lexicographic grammar, categorical class of words, morpho-syntagmatic paradigm, morphological paradigm, contextual paradigm, entry.


Ahmanova, O. S. (2007). Slovar' lingvisticheskih terminov. Moskva: KomKniga.

Bacevych, F. (2008). Semantyka i prahmatyka ochikuvanykh i neochikuvanykh zmin: funkciyi ta komunikatyvni smysly chastky i (j) u suchasnomu ukrayins’komu movlenni. Ukrayins’ka mova i literatura v shkoli, 1, 41-44.

Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi movy, (2007). Velykyj tlumachnyj slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi movy (VTSUM). Kyyiv-Irpin’: VTF "Perun".

Vsevolodova, M. V. (2005). Materialy k slovarju "Predlogi i sredstva predlozhnogo tipa v russkom jazyke. Funkcional'naja grammatika real'nogo upotreblenija". Moskva: Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta.

Horodens’ka, K. H. (2007). Hramatychnyj slovnyk ukrayins’koyi movy: spoluchnyk. Kyyiv–Herson: Instytut ukrayins’koyi movy NAN Ukrayiny; Khersons’kyj derzhavnyj universytet.

Kanjushkjevich, M. I. (2008, 2010). Bjelaruskija prynazowniki i ih analagi. Gramatyka real’naga wzhyvannja. Materyjaly da slownika (U 3 ch.). Grodna: GrDU.

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Zagnitko, A. (2009). Funkcional'no-semanticheskaja tipologja chastic: vnutripredlozhencheskij i kontraktivnyj aspekty. Příspěvky k aktuálním otázkám jazykovědné rusistiky, 3, 146-154. Brno: Ùstav slavistiky Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity.

Zaliznjak, A. A. (1977). Grammaticheskij slovar' russkogo jazyka. Slovoizmenenie. Moskva: Russkij jazyk.

Zubets’, N. O. (2008). Ukrayins’ka leksykohrafiya druhoyi polovyny XX – pochatku XXI stolittya. Zaporizhzhya: Zaporiz’kyj nacional’nyj universytet.

Kiklevich, A. (2008). Pritjazhenie jazyka, 2: Funkcional'naja lingvistika. Olsztyn: Instytut Dzienikarstwa i Komunikacji Spolecznej Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego.

Levakina, T. V. (2011). Semantychna dyferenciaciya ta funkciyuvannya pryjmennykiv sociatyvnosti v ukrayins’kij movi. Avtoref. dis. … kand. filol. nauk. Zaporizhzhya.

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E-mail: a.zagnitko@gmail.com


Anatoliy P. Zahnitko is Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics in Donetsk National University. His areas of research interests include functional linguistics, cognitive linguistics, comparative linguistics, categorical linguistics, lexicographic linguistics, and text linguistics.

The author(s) of submission are requested to provide contact details including their full names, degree, position, current employment place, private address, telephones, e-mail and research areas. This information should be provide in a separate file in a format *.doc. A name of file (in Roman script) must be consisted of author’s surname and the word “vidomosti” and Shift+hyphen between them, e.g.: petrenko_vidomosti.doc. It’s necessary to given a printout with information of author (on a separate page).

Contributions are reviewed by the experts in the field from editorial board and regardless of their length will be held to the same standards of technical and presentation quality. The article may be sent back to the author for further revision or rejected. In this case the manuscript is not returned to the author.

Authors are requested to follow the ethical guidelines for research set forth by their academic institutions.

All authors, except DPh, must submit a review of Doctor of Philology at the contribution, certified by the scientific secretary of the institution or personnel department.

Articles, which not meted requirements, aren’t taken for publishing.

Money for publication count up in UAH (the rate of $ 4 USA for a 1 page of typewritten materials). Sole submissions of Doctors of Philology will be published free.

Materials for printing and copy of payment please send until October 1, 2012 to: Oksana Putilina, Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics, Philological Faculty, Donetsk National University, Universytets`ka Str., 24, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001

Please send money by postal order up to October 1, 2012 to: Ganna Yemeljanenko, Komsomols`ky Avenue, 27, Apt. 87, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83001.

The participants pay the arrangement fee of ₴ 100 (one hundred UAH) during registration.

Passage, accommodation and meals at the participants’ expense.

About the need for a hostel / hotel please inform us not later than January 15, 2013.

Phone for information: +38 062 3817006 – Department of Ukrainian Language and Applied Linguistics;

Responsible for the settlement – Illya G. Danyluk: +38 067 7084691.

Vice-Editor-in-Chief – Oksana L. Putilina: +38 099 7873462.
