Roasted Acorn Squash with Rosemary

6 cups cubed acorn squash

2 tablespoons olive oil

2 teaspoons rosemary

1 teaspoon garlic powder

½ teaspoon onion powder

¼ teaspoon salt

⅛ teaspoon course ground pepper

NOTE: If cutting in half, best to steam in the pressure cooker for ~8 mins; then broil in oven.

Preheat the oven to 475 degrees.

To cut acorn squash, cut off top and bottom. Cut down each side in the ridges to create wedges. Scrape out insides. Peel outsides with potato peeler.

Place acorn squash cubes on a large cookie sheet with raised edges.

Drizzle olive oil over the acorn squash. Toss to coat.

Sprinkle the rosemary, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper over the acorn squash. Toss to coat.

Spread the acorn squash pieces out evenly over the cookie sheet. Place in the over and cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, flip the squash pieces over and cook for another 5 - 10 minutes or until the squash is fork tender.