Chicken Seitan Pieces

1 15.5 oz can chickpeas, keep the aquafaba

2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil

2 Tbsp no chicken bouillon

1 Tbsp white miso

1 Tbsp onion powder

2 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp apple cider vinegar

1 3/4 cup vital wheat gluten

4 cups vegetable broth or water

Add all the ingredients except the vital wheat gluten and vegetable broth into a blender and process until smooth.

In a medium-sized mixing bowl, add the vital wheat gluten and chickpea mixture and stir with a spatula until combined. Let the seitan sit for 30 minutes and allow for the gluten to hydrate.

Add the 4 cups of vegetable broth or water to a large pot and bring to a boil. Divide seitan into 4 parts (Or 2 parts if you have a large food processor. Mine is pretty small). One by one, process the seitan for 1:30 – 2 minutes until the mixture has some small grainy bits and some stretchy pieces. If you're using a larger food processor this could take longer.

Preheat oven to 375. Add seitan parts to the boiling broth. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes flipping half-way through. Check the bottom of the pot every once in a while to ensure sticking does not occur. Don't be alarmed by the seitan's size increase and brain-like appearance.

Remove the seitan brains from the pot and add to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Reserve vegetable broth in fridge to be reused for another recipe. Bake brains for 30-40 minutes flipping every 10 minutes.

When seitan is cool enough to handle, use your hands to break the seitan apart into small pieces. Season with your favorite spices and sauces and add to salads, sandwiches, pasta, or whatever your heart desires.