Voice Drops

Product Description & Purpose

Ring-less Voice Drops are the most simple and cost effective way to reach out to customers in a non-disruptive way.

72% of BDC contacts made daily are voice mails. This would essentially be the same for a centralized BDC at the Dealership. Which is why Voice Drops are a must, especially with a larger database.

Voice drops are available for all contact types, Unsold and Sales schedules, and Fetch Automation. This will help dealerships reach more customers for both Sales and Service.

How it works

DealerMine partnered with Stratics Networks, which is a global provider of voice applications, and inventors of ringless voicemail drops. Stratics is a SaaS based firm. (A method of software delivery and licensing in which software is accessed online via a subscription).

  • The amount of contacts, and the time of contact is chosen upon setup, and can be edited at any time.

  • Voice drops will take those customers from the call select screen and reserve them.

  • Customers who have not been contacted in the longest amount of time are the first chosen. (By Recycle oldest to newest)

  • Once the job runs the contacts are sent to stratics.

  • Contact History will be recorded when calls are “In Progress”. We do this in case customers call back before we have the final results in Contact History. This gives any DM user the proper info to have a meaningful conversation with the customer.

  • Contact History will be recorded with the username “Voice Drop” for all contacts made once the final results are received from Stratics.

  • We cannot predict the amount of time each job will take. It will differ based on the amount of Voice Drops being sent per job. We use one port per job, this means, one voice drop gets sent at a time. So, if you set a job to send 10 voice drops, the port will send one voice drop, wait till it is sent, then send another. This would repeat 10 times, and the job will be finished.

  • If there are more than one separate jobs set to go out at the same time example one for maintenance and one for Confirms, each job will use one port. For example, if you have 5 jobs set to go out at 10AM, 5 ports will be used, and one voice job will be sent at a time for each job until finished.

  • The voice drop report presents the exact time the job took.

  • Voice drops will contact cell phone first, if no cell, then home. Never the work phone. If the Voice Drop does not drop to the cell phone, it will not fall back to the home phone.

  • The default amount of recycle days is 10. This can be edited in Recycle Setup after the first round of Voice Drops have gone out. In Admin Screen > Recycle Setup, click on the recycle code you want to edit, click 'Options' Edit selected Recycle Code.

  • You can edit the amount of days it gets recycled for, and whether this is active, and productive or not. Typically, only the recycle codes that mean you have actually spoke to a customer count as Productive. So Voice Drops typically would not count as Productive.

Batch Voice Drops

  • There are a number of benefits to using our Batch tool for Voice Drops. The reason is because it opens up endless different opportunities of outreach. When configuring Batch voice drops, you can choose any contact type you'd like, including fetch automation, which literally means there are endless options. Our Fetch tool allows our customers to pull any specific Data they require to build a Campaign.

  • We can also create automatic Batch Voice Drops for Unsold's and Sales schedules. This can highly benefit the Sales side. Instead of sending out a simple email, the customer would receive a friendly voice mail. Hearing from a live person can offer a much more warming and meaningful touch.

Impossible to Contact Voice Drops

What does "Impossible to Contact" mean?

  • If the Cell phone on a customer's file is invalid, empty or flagged as blocked for Voice drops.

  • If the Home phone on a customer's file is invalid, empty or flagged as blocked for Voice drops.

What qualifies as "Blocked" for Voice Drops?

  • If the Cell phone on a customer's file is dimmed as "Impossible" to contact by "Stratics" DealerMine will flag the cell number as blocked for 14 days, (after 3 time it is blocked for ever).

  • If the Home phone is "Busy" or "Unavailable" 3 consecutive times, DealerMine will block the phone number forever.