Add Bookmark

Add Bookmark

Bookmarks - This action button allows you to quickly create bookmarks for any customer profile. (optional feature per user, but is turned on by default)

Click the Add Bookmark action button while on any customer profile to create a bookmark. The Add Bookmark screen will appear as shown below. Type in your notes followed by hitting Save. A Bookmark icon immediately appears on your name tab in the top right when there are active bookmarks to view. Bookmarks can be viewed, updated or deleted by the the original user who created the bookmark by clicking the name tab. Bookmarks will visible until they have been deleted.

Bookmark Notification

Your Name Tab will all outstanding Bookmarks to view for the user logged in. Bookmarks are private to the user who created the Bookmarks and can only be modified or deleted by the user who created it.

Viewing Bookmarks

Click your Name Tab at any point, followed by clicking the Bookmark icon to view a list of outstanding Bookmarks. Click the View link to see the intial note, having the option of adding more notes, or deleting the Bookmark if no longer needed.