Batch Contacts

  • Batch contacts can be created for letters, Emails, Texts, and Voice Drops.

  • Click on one of the four, and choose a store.

  • Click on "Options" on the far right, and "Add New Batch Contacts".

  • Batch Type & Letter Name- First, choose the contact type your letter is under, then pick the letter from the second drop down.

  • Language - Most users choose N/A for language because when you choose either English or French, the batch will only go out to the customers who have that language chosen on their customer file.

  • Prevention's - "Contact type" means the customer will not receive this specific batch if they have already received a batch job from the same contact type. If "By Customer" is selected, the batch job will not go out to them if they have already gotten one that day.

  • When creating a Batch schedule for Letters, Emails, Text or Voice Drops, users can drill down using, "Day / Late Day" and "Customer Types".

      • Day / Late Day - users are able to drill down and select Day or Late Day customers or they can select ALL. By default All is selected.

      • Customer Types - users are able to drill down and select Non Fleet , which will exclude any Fleet customer from the Batch. By default All is selected (which includes Fleet customers).

  • Next, in the field beside "# to Send" choose the number of contacts you want to send to each day when the job runs. "# of days between" prevents customers from receiving the same letter, email, text, or voice drop, until the number of days in that field go by.

  • Before we move on, notice below there are two screenshots. In the second one "Fetch Automation" is chosen, and two new options appear. "Batch Query" which is a list of the query's that were created in fetch, and a recycle type to choose from. Using Fetch Automation opens up endless options, as users can create anything they want using fetch!

When creating a Batch Voice drop schedule, DealerMine has added two new drop down, "Day / Late Day" and "Customer Types".

    • Day / Late Day - users are able to drill down and select Day or Late Day customers or they can select ALL. By default All is selected.

    • Customer Types - users are able to drill down and select Non Fleet , which will exclude any Fleet customer from the Batch. By default All is selected (which includes Fleet customers).

When creating a Batch Text from Fetch users will first need to create a query and save. Once the query is saved the user will then need to click on Tools and then "Send Text".

When Send Text is selected the user will be redirected to the "Send Text" screen. The Send button will be disabled until all required information is selected.

  • Template Name - required

  • Campaign Name - will populate from the saved Fetch

  • Phone Number - user must select a Texting number from the drop down.

  • Distribution List - must select one person from the distribution list.

Once all the info is selected the Save button will be enabled and the red star will no longer display by the required fields.

Once the required information is selected the red star for Template Name will change to a blue "View" icon, when clicked the template selected will display at the bottom of the Sent Text Screen.

  • ROI - User can select either Service or Sales

  • Schedule - Click the schedule field for the calendar to display and select the date to send and select a time from the drop down.

  • Test to cell number - To send a test a user can either enter in a cell number or they can click on the search icon, they will be redirected to the Search screen where they can search for a cell number or customer. Once they have selected a customer from the search screen they will be redirected back to the Send Text screen and the number and customer name will display, and they can click on "Send Test SMS". Once all info is correct the user will click Send and the batch will send according to the Schedule.

*To send a text users much click on the View icon to display the template.

Batch Voice Drop

  • Voice drop "Caller ID" must be setups

  • Must have audio files saves

This can be done in Voice Drop configuration

When creating a Batch Voice Drop from Fetch users will first need to create a query and save it. Once the query is saved the user will then need to click on Tools and then "Send Voice Drop".

When Send Voice Drop is selected the user will be redirected to the "Send Voice Drop" screen.

Audio File - select the audio file that will be used from the drop down, and click the play button to listen to the voice file. "These files are created in the Voice Drop setup screen"

  • Campaign Name - will populate from the saved Fetch.

  • Caller ID - from this drop down select the Caller ID that will be used, this is the number that the customer will see when receiving the call. "Caller IDs are added in the Voice Drop setup screen"

  • ROI - select Service or Sales

  • Schedule - Click the schedule field for the calendar to display and select the date to send and select a time from the drop down.

  • Customer # - To send a test a user will need to click on the search icon, they will be redirected to the Search screen where they can search for a customer to send a test Voice drop to. Once they have selected a customer from the search screen they will be redirected back to the Send Voice Drop screen and the customer's phone number, name and customer number will display and the user can click on Send test. Once all info is correct the user will click Send and the batch will send according to the Schedule.

When selecting "Send Voice Drop" from Fetch, if there are customers that do not qualify for a Voice drop a "Campaign Options" popup will display where they will be able to select a different method.

Fetch Voice Drop campaigns will follow the same restrictions as the Batch Automation Voice Drops. There for if a phone number is recognize as "Impossible to Contact", we will not attempt to contact for anther 2 weeks. When the same phone number has been marked as "Impossible to Contact" for more than 5 consecutives times, that number will "Not" be tired again.

Versions 9.2.1

We have improved the Batch Contact Status pop up screen. when in the popup users are now able to select a date or a date range and then click on Search. Users can drill down further and select what Status they want to Search by, simply clicking the check mark;

      • Green check mark - will be included in the search

      • Grey check mark - will be excluded in the search

When the search criteria is completed, click on the Search button and the info will display on the grid to the right. The grid will display 5 columns;

      1. Cust#

      2. Status

      3. Date

      4. Branch Name

      5. Contact ID

DealerMine also has an option to automatically turn off vehicles that are body shop customers only, this will insure that these customers are not Marketed to from the Call Select, Fetch or Batch.

  • If a vehicle has only Service history with department “B” (body shop), it will turn off the vehicle (if not already off)

  • If a vehicle has been turned off for Body shop reason and comes in for work from a different dept such as Service, this will turn the vehicle back on for contact. To take advantage of this please call our Support team to have the option turned.

*Please note this option is only for vehicle that are turned off for Body Shop, this is not for vehicle that have been turned off by the user from the customer info screen > Contact Types (vin specific)

Tracking Batch Contacts

Users can track the status of the contacts going out. To get to this screen go to Templates and Batch from the admin screen > Batch Contacts > Select either Letter , Emails , Text , or Voice Drop and click on the page with a bar graph on it beside the batch you want to view.

Users are able to select a date or date range they wish to view, easily customize the statuses they can view by checking and unchecking the statuses in the legend, and be quickly redirected to the customer profile by double clicking on the customer they wish to view.