Version 9.1.2

Sept 24/2019

New DealerMine Product

Voice Drops Expansion

Voice drops are a simple and cost effective way to reach out to customers, and now, with some improvements, we offer endless opportunities of outreach, on both the Service and Sales side.

We now offer voice drops for Fetch Automation, all Contact Types, Sales Schedules, and Unsold Schedules.

To learn more Click here:

Voice Drops

Voice Drop Configuration

Contact Types

Fetch Automation

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. In the texting tab, the text that is selected will be highlighted.

2. Users can now link and unlink emails. Right click on an email in the inbox, and select 'Link Email'. The search screen will open to link it to a customer profile. Right click and select 'Unlink Email' to unlink from a customers profile. The chain icon will disappear when the email is no longer linked to a profile.

3. Appointment Prep Enhancements

  • We have added "Other" in the "Prep Work Category" drop down.

  • The default subject line is "Appointment Prep Notification". Users can now type anything in this field.

  • The DMS customer number will display in the email.

  • The description from the opcode line, and the notes on the appointment will carry over into the email.

4. If a customer's name is so long that it overlaps the DealerMine and DMS customer numbers on the profile screen, then DealerMine will automatically change the font to a smaller size.



5. When a DealerMine user is inactivated they will automatically be removed from any batch jobs they are attached to. Example, if their name is checked on the distribution list to get replies from batch email jobs, their name will be completely removed from the list.

6. A stats icon has been added in Templates and Batch setup, under all tabs: Letters, Emails, Texts, and Voice drops. Click on the tab and a window will display like the example below.

7. When booking an appointment through E-Service the max amount of characters is now 1000 in the “Enter any additional service needs” box.

8. When a Survey is created and no scores have been applied to any of the questions, when the results come in they will display on the Survey tab as “Surveyed No Score” in the 'Satisfaction' column, and 'No Score', in the 'Score' column.

*No notification will be sent out as a result of no scoring being added.

9. The “Voice Drop Usage” report now displays the Store/Branch numbers beside the Store name making it easier to distinguish between the different branches. We have also added the column "callType", to organize the results by Call Type.

10. DealerMine will include unknown Vins, when sending Batch Emails.

11. The Calendar on the Traffic log has been changed to display back 15 years and forward 5 years.


1. Batch texts were not including the custom unsubscribe message in the text. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


1. Sales Followups can only be deleted from the "Followups" indicator on the customers profile. User used to be able to click on a follow up on the traffic log and delete it from there, but we have removed the 'Delete' button from the followup window when they click the follow up on the traffic log.


1. While desking a deal, the incentives were not calculating properly. This has been fixed.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


QUORUM - For Quorum stores ONLY, we have enhanced the Transportation Configuration screen.

  • DealerMine now pulls all transportation codes from Quorum. Find these codes listed in the 'Transportation Code' drop down.

  • With this new release, all drop downs default to "None Selected".

  • This will not affect the integration, as DealerMine still holds the logic of what was previously linked before this new release.

  • If there is no Code in DealerMine that corresponds to one in the drop down, add a new one, by clicking 'Options' > 'Add New Type', then choose the matching code in the drop down.

PBS - We have removed the "Tech" drop down in the "Operation Details" screen inside the book appointment form.




SERTI - DealerMine was not pulling the prices attached to the opcode lines. This has been resolved.

Did you know?

1. Did you know that you can contact our support team directly inside the DealerMine Application?

  • Simply click on the button the white arrow is pointing to, and the window below will appear.

  • Make sure you add detailed, and precise information about the issue, or question you have.

  • The subject line is defaulted to what is shown in the image below, but can, and should be changed to correspond with the case subject.

  • You can also add attachments to the case. Click on "Browse to Add Attachments" where the blue arrow is pointing. Screenshots are highly recommended.

2. Did you know when using Click to Call and a user has access to more than 1 Caller ID, after clicking to call all the Caller IDs that they have access to will display, they will then need to click on the correct Caller ID to continue the call.

3. Did you know you can create a custom email signature in DealerMine? Your custom email signature will display when you reply to an email, and when sending a customer an email from the profile screen with no email template.

Click the link below for directions!

User Setup and click "Email Signature" in the table of contents.

Saint John DealerMine BDC

Coming Soon!

BDC Assist

BDC Assist will offer a simple, easy, and efficient way to communicate information on the fly to the Appointment Coordinators in our BDC. This will all be done directly through DealerMine, which cuts out the middle men in the process of transferring the information. This is going to be a huge time saver!

Stay Tuned!