Batch Voice Drops

When creating a Batch Voice drop schedule, DealerMine has added two new drop down, "Day / Late Day" and "Customer Types".

    • Day / Late Day - users are able to drill down and select Day or Late Day customers or they can select ALL. By default All is selected.

    • Customer Types - users are able to drill down and select Non Fleet , which will exclude any Fleet customer from the Batch. By default All is selected (which includes Fleet customers).

DealerMine has made some improvements to the Voice Drop set up. Now when setting up Voice Drops users have the ability to see the amount of time it will take for the Voice Drops to complete when choosing how many Voice Drops they want sent out per minute. Keep in mind the more Voice Drops you have going out per minute the more inbound calls you will receive per minute. This new feature is in Fetch, Batch Contacts and Sales Schedule set up.

Also note Voice Drops can only be sent out between 8 am to 8 pm and the value of Voice Drops being sent out per minute must be greater than 0.