
Inventory pulls into DealerMine each night, during our nightly pull from your DMS.

Keyword - Use the keyword search to quickly find any vehicle in inventory. Ie. Stock #, year, color, any detail at all.

Filter by any of the six following fields:

  1. New or Used

  2. Year

  3. Make

  4. Model

  5. Trim

  6. Status

Additional check box options to filter:

  • View Inventory Notes

  • View Unwatched Stock

  • Needs Validation

Understanding the Results

Data from left to right:

Menu Cog - click to do any of the following actions:

  • Add Inventory Note

  • Validate

Eye Icon - this represents how many customers are currently interested in this stock #. We base this on the number of saved worksheets that contain this particular stock #, and we only go back 30 days.

Validating Stock

Right click or click the Cog and choose "Validate" to build your vehicle specifications to match the window sticker.

This process eliminates doubt when reviewing inventory and searching for vehicles based on style, options etc. Once a vehicle is validated a worksheet can be built for any customer or an inventory worksheet can be printed showing all vehicle details.