Skill View Setup

Our Appointment Schedule offers a variety of different view. The Skill View allows users to customize their appointment schedule to sort appointments based on the skill group. This view displays the appointment schedule by the skills associated with various opcodes, and it has a limited number of slots for each of these skill types.

If an appointment has multiple skill groups it is possible for that appointment to show separated on the appointment

If an opcode is linked to a skill group, that group will show on the book appointment form. If a store has skill-based booking and has the preventOverflowBooking flag turned on, times that don't have room for the appt's opcodes will be highlighted in red, and the offending lines will have their groups highlighted in red as well. In this state booking cannot be completed.

  • Opcodes are linked to specific skill categories manually.

  • The setup screen determines how many slots are available for the various skills. This has its own blocking rules: i.e. Skill group time slots can only be manually blocked from the Appointment Schedule. Skill Group is an overall-view and does not have a schedule setup.

  • When Prevent-Overflow-Booking is turned on for a store that has skills configured this way, it limits per day the number that can book for a specific skill groups.

The left hand side displays the store and branch drop down, the teams currently set up and the Options drop down which allows you the Add or Delete Skill Groups.

Adding Skill Group

  • Click Options and choose 'Add Skill Group'

  • Enter the a name for the skill group and click save

There are three tabs in this window: