Call Select

Helping you to stay in touch daily!

The Call Select screen presents all active contacts that require some type of contact, whether it be for maintenance, no show re-scheduling, service CSI etc. This screen is typically the starting point for any Service BDC users on any given day.

  • DealerMine downloads data for: customers, vehicles, sales, service history, appointments, special order parts, and work in process. This data is applied to the store's custom specifications and is displayed accordingly.

  • The system updates all of this information during off hours (overnight) so that fresh contacts are presented each day. The job that runs the overnight update is termed Major Reset.

Call Select Screen Breakdown

    1. In Store Selections, select the Store and Branch, and if needed, narrow the selection based on Language, Day/Late Day, Customer Type, or City.

    2. In the Contact Selections section of the screen, select a Contact Type; for example, to make Maintenance Calls, select or highlight Maintenance. In the How Many text box enter the number of contacts to include on your list.

    3. In the Targets section (right of the screen) you will be presented with Sort Options and Target Options for various contact types.

          • Sort Options - (default) By RO Date Newest to Oldest, By RO Date Oldest to Newest, By Recycle Oldest to Newest, By Star Rating Highest To Lowest, By Star Rating Lowest To Highest.

          • Target Options - these options will change based on which Contact Type you have selected. Maintenance allows you to target specific maintenance services; Service Followup allows you to target CP, WP or IP (based on setup); Recalls will list all campaigns for selection; Special Order Parts will list Front or Back Counter; Fetch Campaigns will simply list all campaigns still active that were sent to Call Select; Declined Work displays the declined ROs with the refused work.

*From User Preferences, control which Contact Types are visible and select a default Contact Type for each user.

Maintenance Target Options

  • Target Options - Maintenance groups for the corresponding store/branch will be listed in the Target Options column, indicating how many VINs are due for each particular maintenance item.

  • Avg. Lbr Grs/Avg. Lbr Sales - Using the last six months of data from closed work orders we determine the average labour gross and average labour sales per operation. (excluding costs of parts) Any average labour gross that is 75% or more of the average labour sales will be flagged in green indicating high retention, any less than 50% retention will be flagged in red while any between 51% - 74% will not be flagged.

  • Appt Schedule Operations section will list the number of upcoming appointments (Next 7 Days) that have each maintenance operation booked in. This gives you insight into your "live" appointment schedule for each store and branch without having to review your Appointment Schedule first, you will now see at-a-glance what maintenance operations you may want to target based on high/low numbers on pre-booked appointments.

  • 7 Days - the default setting is 7 days to check for services on upcoming appointments. Click the pencil to edit and change the number of days to view totals for based on future open appointments. I.e. 1 Day = "Today's appointments, 2 = Today + Tomorrow, so on and so forth.

  • All columns are sort-able by clicking on the column header name.

  • The average labor gross and sales will be similar to those shown in Key Report 3: Service Maintenance Labour Sales Performance Report but not matching exactly since the averages used on the Call Select are a rolling average based on the last 180 days worth of closed work order data.

Selecting the number of calls

  • Enter the number of calls in the How Many box, and click Continue or hit Enter.

  • During lunch break or at the end of a shift, click Clear Contacts; this action releases contacts that have not yet been contacted back into the Available Contacts selection on Call Select screen.

  • The Users button will show you what contacts have been selected for the current day for all Users logged in.

  • Click Refresh anytime to refresh the number of available contacts displayed on the Call Select screen. This is useful when you have multiple people logging in at the same time.

*The Users button will show you what contacts have been selected for the current day for all Users logged in. *Users cannot clear contacts for Voice drops.