Key Report 2

Key Report 2 can be found under the reports tab using the path Key Reports > #2 - BDC Booked Maintenance Operations Retention Rates. This report was created to measure what percentage of pre-booked maintenance lines are being deleted or lost by the Advisor at the time of write up. The report seperates each Appointement Coordinator and Service Advisor, indicating where opportunities are being missed.

There are three options to choose from:

  • 2.1 -BDC Booked Maintenance Retention Detail (export)

  • 2.2 - BDC Booked Maintenance Retention Rates

  • 2.3 - BDC Booked Maintenance Operations

The Appointment Coordinator that booked the maintenance lines will show in bold with the following information:

  • Appointment Coordinators name

  • Maintenance Lines Booked - The amount of maintenance lines the appointment coordinator booked

  • Maintenance Lines Retained - The amount of the maintenance lines that were booked were completed during the RO

  • Maintenance Lines Lost - The amount of maintenance lines that were removed from the RO

  • % Lost - The percent of maintenance line that were lost ( Maintenance Lines Lost / Maintenance Lines Booked)

The Advisor that processed the maintenance lines that the Appointment Coordinator booked will display under the Appointment Coordinator with the following information:

  • Lines Processed By - The amount of maintenance lines the Advisor processed that were booked by the above Appointment Coordinator

  • Retained By - The maintenance lines that stayed on the RO

  • Lost By - The maintenance lines the Advisor deleted

  • % Lost By - The percentage of maintenance lines that the Advisor deleted ( Lost By / Lines Processed)

By double clicking on an Advisors name the report can be drilled down to see which opcode the Advisor processed and which opcodes the Advisor deleted. Other information that can be found on this screen is:

  • Appt Date

  • RoNo

  • Pre Sold Operations

  • Operation Status

  • Lost

  • % Lost