1. Why would an Appointment Coordinator booking an appointment in DealerMine not receive credit for the booking?

  • Different Opcodes - You will not receive credit when any original opcodes you book are not used when they are either deleted or replaced by another opcode that does not exist in the same linked maintenance group. E.g. If an Appointment Coordinator books the opcode 06GMZ01, and the Advisor changes the opcode to TR011, you will not get credit for the newly added opcode.

  • Not Original Booker - You will not receive credit when there is already an OPEN APPT in the system booked by another Appointment Coordinator or Advisor for the same VIN you are currently booking. Check your “Vehicle Appt History” tab to look for any appointments, and always read the information in the indicators shown on the bottom left of the customer file. E.g. OPEN APPT, NO SHOW, CONFIRM.

  • Five Day Rule - You will not receive credit for any appointment you book that does not come in within 5 days of the booked appointment date, whether it is 5 days prior or past the appointment date. E.g. You will not receive credit if you book an appointment for Feb 2 and the customer actually comes in on Feb 9; outside of the five-day rule. You will receive credit if you book an appointment for Feb 2 and it comes in on Jan 31, since it’s within the five-day rule. Always complete your CONFIRMS and NO SHOWS to increase your monthly numbers. ***Remember to edit your appointment when rebooking your No-Shows to ensure you receive credit for the appointment*** Editing an appointment allows the five-day rule to refresh, starting over with the new appointment date.

  • Two RO’s - You may not receive credit for any appointment you book if that VIN happens to have two RO’s open at the same time. If one RO is body shop, we will exclude that one and only count the service RO. If both are service RO's we will use the RO with the most similar lines matching the pre-booked appointment.