Contact Hist

The Contact Hist displays every contact that was performed to the customer such as Recycles, Letters, Emails, Voice Drops, Text Messages, and Booked/Updated/Deleted Appointments.

The Information that can be viewed under this tab is:

  1. Username - The Username displays the user that performed the contact.

  2. Contact Date - The Contact Date displays the date the contact was performed.

  3. Vehicle - The Vehicle displays what vehicle the user was contacting the customer in regards to.

  4. Contact Type - The Contact Type displays the reason for the contact.

  5. ApptDate - If an appointment was booked the ApptDate will display the date the appointment was booked for.

  6. Recycle Comments - The Recycle Comments displays what happened during the contact.

  7. SerNo - SerNo displays the vin the contact was performed on

  8. Appt No - If an appointment was booked the Appt No will display the Appointment Number

  9. In/Out - In/Out will display whether it was an inbound or outbound contact. ( Without Telephony DealerMine distinguishes the difference of an inbound/outbound call by whether or not the user had to search the customer.)

  10. Floater/Admin - Floater/Admin displays if it was a floater or admin that performed the contact.

  11. Sort Option - Sort Option displays what sort option the user was using to present the contact.

  12. Sub Call Type - Sub Call Type displays which maintenance group was selected during contact selection on Call Select .

When a new customer profile has been created, Dealermine will automatically insert a record on to the Contact hist tab. The entry will display the Contact Type as "CustomerAdd" and the username, date and time the customer file was created.