Recalls on the Call select

DealerMine has an option to display “recalls only for my manufacturer” on the Call Select. This option is per-branch and will require a nightly download to take effect. When this option is turned on it will only display the Recalls for the Branch’s manufacture on the Call Select.

Please contact our Support team to have this option turned on.

This option will need to be setup by our Support Dept.

Users are now able to customize how they would like the Recall Targets to display on the Call Select screen. There are 4 options to choose from.

  • Recall#

  • Recall# & Make

  • Recall# & Year/Make

  • Recall# & Year/Make/Model

DealerMine has an option in Contact selections, "Do not perform CSI calls on these departments". This is a multi select drop down listing departments which DealerMine will the same source we use in Service history tab. When a dept/s is selected, they will not be included in CSI Calls.