Add Guest to Traffic Log

Add Guest to Trafic Log

Any user can have access to add guests to the Traffic Log. By default Managers and Spotters have access and depending on your dealerships process Salespeople can add traffic as well.

If a Guest doesn't have a Customer or Prospect file, to add the guest to the Traffic Log, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the option Add Guest to Traffic Log.

  2. The Add Guest to Traffic Log screen is presented.

  3. Key a description of the Guest.

  4. If this guest is being assigned to someone (other than yourself), select the Salesperson drop down and click on the name.

    • Note: Only Sales Managers/Spotters by default are able to assign a guest to another Salesperson. Salespeople can also have access granted in the User Setup screen.

  5. Click the drop down Type, and select how the guest was presented: i.e. Walk-in, Be Back, Call-in, or Internet Lead.

  6. Click the drop down Department, and select New or Used

  7. Key or select the Date from the calendar icon. Date defaults to the current day.

  8. Select Save or Cancel.

  9. The saved guest populates the Pending Guests tab; to view: click Traffic Log->Pending Guest, users must have access to view the Pending Guest tab. If a user does not have access to view this tab the Pending guest will display on the Desklog tab.

  10. The tab Traffic Log and Pending Guests displays an orb indicating the number of Pending Guests up to a max of 9. Any amount will display 9+.