BDC Release Notes

March 2021 V 9.3.1

Service Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. We have removed what appeared to be the ability to Edit/Delete a customer note that was created within the DMS. When a user right clicked on an In-House System note, a popup would display with a “Delete” option, the user could click Delete but nothing would happen. This popup has been removed.

2. When there is an appointment book on the Child file of a merged file, the appointment would not display in the Search screen, as the parent file is the one presented. We have changed this, now the appointment of a Child file will show on the parent file in the Search Screen.


  1. There was an issue with the Prep Work Category dropdown menu in the Appt Prep tab was not displaying correctly when opened, half of the drop down was cut off. This is resolved.

  2. There was an issue when clicking Send and Recycle on an email, the user was not moving to the next file customer file. This is resolved.

  3. There was an issue when sending a Text, the user was not moving to the next file customer file. This is resolved.

  4. There was an issue where vehicles were being displayed twice per customer file on the Search screen, however did not display on the customer Profile screen. This is resolved.

  5. There was an issue where email addresses were not sticking in the CC field when selecting to "Reply to All" in an email from the Dealermine inbox. This is resolved.

  6. There was an issue in Telephony when a user transferred a call, their Status would not change to Ready and they would have to log out and back in to reset their Status. This is resolved.

Task Center Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Task Center users must now be granted access to be able to see the Task Stats tab. *See your manager for access if needed.

  2. We have added the "Time to Complete" calculation back to the Task History tab in Task Center.

3. The "Task Stats" tab is now user access only, so users will need to be given access to view this tab. *See your manager for access if needed.


  1. There was an issue where a popup warning, advising a user they did not have access to a store displayed on the Task Stats tab, in Task Center. This has been resolved

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Xsellerator - There was an issue where appointments were displaying 1 hour off on the scheduler when an appointment was booked before March 14th, with the appointment date scheduled after March 14th. This was caused by Daylight Savings Time adjustments. This has been resolved.

  2. Serti - There was an issue with Serti stores, where vehicles would randomly be removed from a customer file, and moved to a phantom vehicle file. This was caused by a change in the data we received from Serti. This has been resolved.