Version 9.3.5

July 2021

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


We have added a new pop up to notify a user they have been logged out of Telephony. This will appear whether the log out was caused by a connection loss or done intentionally.

We have improved our Online Scheduling system by no longer allowing a user to book a day or team that is already fully booked, based on the Maximum appointments and/or Hours that are set up, and if the Prevent Overbooking option is turned on under Store Specifications.

We have made an improvement to our Voice Drop report calculation. If a Voice Drop does not leave a message, but does leave a missed call notification on a customers phone, resulting in the customer calling back, this call will be calculated on the report.


  1. There was an issue where Open RO’s were displaying in the Unassigned column of the Appointment Schedule. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue where contact history was recording the time voicedrops were sent in Atlantic time, instead of the dealerships time zone. This has been resolved. We have also improved the batch set up screen to better indicate what time zone the batch job is being set up in, based on the time zone of the users computer.

  3. There was an issue where some users were not able to book appointments on Mondays. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an occasional issue when adding or updating texting lines for some stores. This has been resolved

  5. There was an intermittent issue where a transportation selection was changing after an appointment was saved. This has been resolved.

  6. There was an issue where users were unable to book appointments on Monday’s regardless of set up. This has been resolved.

  7. There was an issue where reports were not sending the auto emails. This has been resolved.

  8. There was an issue where the Morning, Afternoon & Evening Hour Counts were not displaying on the Stats tab in the Appointment Schedule. This has been resolved.

  9. There was an issue where the WIP indicator was showing for closed RO's. This has been resolved.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. Xsellerator -We have improved our integration, so that we can now push a Tech Group or a Technician when booking appointments.


  1. CDK - There was an issue when updating an appointment in DealerMine if the Comments were edited it would cause the Transportation to display multiple times in the Details popup. This has been resolved.

  2. R&R - There was an issue where the contact history was showing multiple entries when an appointment was booked in Dealermine. This has been resolved.

  3. Serti - There was an issue where deleted Serti appointments were displaying in Dealermine after a Daily had run, this has been resolved

  4. There was an issue with some DMS where RO closed dates were displaying the incorrect date. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


We are excited to announce that DealerMine enhanced our Lead Processing flow to help make managing your new and active leads. We are getting this information over to you in advance of our July release in the hopes that it will give you a week to prepare for this change.

What’s Changed?

Previously, when you double-clicked on a lead from the New Leads section of Web Leads, you were presented with the following window:

As you can see this window was originally designed to only allow you to try and find a matching customer/prospect.

Here is what this window will look like now:

You will notice that now the screen has been broken into 3 distinct sections:

  • Current Lead: This section is designed to give you an overview of the lead you are actively viewing. Hint: for additional information you can click the “I-Lead Detail” button.

  • Potential Duplicates: This area is brand new and is designed to give you visibility into if your sales team is actively pursuing this customer through a previous lead. It is important to note that we have expanded the default timeframe here from 14 days to 30, but you can extend this as far out as you would like. We have also modified this search so that we only return leads that have been Linked to a Prospect, as that would be a requirement for someone to be actively working with them:

o Merge & Close: You would select “Merge & Close” if the lead you are looking at is actively being worked elsewhere in DealerMine. An example of this from the image above would be the bottom one, with a traffic status of connected

o Not Duplicate: You would select this for any lead that is currently not being actively worked. Selecting Not Duplicate simply removes that item from the list and allows you to move onto “Match to Existing Customer”.

o Traffic Status, Linked Customer & Worksheet: You will also notice that these 3 new columns will help you understand what is happening with any other leads that are potential duplicates.

  • Match to Existing Customer: This area is the one that you will be most familiar with, as this is what this window (double-click on a new lead) used to do. The biggest difference is that you will not be able to “Add Prospect” or select and existing customer and “Save” until you have processed all the potential duplicates. Here’s what you’ll see when you have potential duplicates:

o We have also modified the Match to Existing Customer search functionality to remove any customers from that list that have been Merged with a Relationship of “Duplicate File” or “Other”.

o The only other item to note is that we have renamed the button “Add Customer/Prospect” to simply “Add Prospect” and moved it from the top right corner of the screen to the bottom right (we felt this matched the flow of what you were doing in here better).

2. Last release we showed you guys the new sales branching ‘multiple sales people’ on the customer profile screen. Now users have the ability to reassign by branch from the customer profile screen by clicking on the multiple sales people and selecting reassign.

The reassign pop up will only display sales people for the selected branch

Users are also able to reassign from the purchase history on the customer profile. When you reassign a purchase it will reassign all purchases for that branch.

With the new sales branching we have also changed the logic for sales reassign. Now when reassigning deals from the sales reassign screen it will take into consideration which branch the deal is for, and will show sales people for the selected branch. Before it would take into consideration all branches.


  1. There was an issue when opening the customer search screen from the web leads tab, in that if a user deleted a customer's first name as a search parameter, the “undo” arrow was not retrieving the name as it should. This has been resolved.