Version 9.3.1

March 2021

Service CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. We have made a change to the AM Summary report so that Batch Texts will be excluded from the Recycle counts.

2. We have removed what appeared to be the ability to Edit/Delete a customer note that was created within the DMS. Previously when a user right clicked on an In-House System note, a popup would display with a “Delete” option, the user could click Delete but nothing would happen. This popup has been removed.

3. When there is an appointment book on the Child file of a merged file, the appointment would not display in the Search screen as the parent file is the one presented. We have changed this, now the appointment of a Child file will show on the parent file in the Search Screen.


  1. There was an issue where vehicles were being displayed twice per customer file on the Search screen, then not at all on the customer profile screen. This has been resolved.

  2. There was an issue in eService Configuration > Customize Vehicle Makes tab, when selecting to move all the Makes to the right side of the screen to the Makes list it hides the "Default Makes" column . This has been resolved.

  3. There was an issue on the Appt Prep tab > Filters > "Prep Work Category", the dropdown when opened is only displaying on half of the screen. This has been resolved.

  4. There was an issue with Fetch taking an extremely long time to return less than 100 results. This has been resolved.

  5. There was an issue when clicking Send and Recycle on an email it would not move you to the next customer profile. This has been resolved.

  6. There was an issue when sending a text you were not being moved to the next customer. This has been resolved.

  7. There was an issue where email addresses were not sticking in the CC field when replying to an email from within the Dealermine inbox. This has been resolved.

  8. There was an issue where customers received 2 Voice Drops in the same day. This was due to Major Reset finishing after the Voice Drop start time, as a result the Voice Drop job became overdue (passed its start time), and the customer qualified in the regular Batch job process and under Major Reset batch process. Now DealerMine will not qualify a Voice Drop job during Major Reset if they are Overdue.

  9. There was an issue in eService Configuration when setting up a second Web site for the same store , the emails for Confirmation and Registration were being sent from the email address of the first web site that was setup the same store . This has been resolved.

  10. There was an intermittent issue in Showroom Config > Trade Appraisal Flow > Vehicle Features when adding a new Schedule, the screen would freeze and the user would have to log out of DealerMine and log back in. This issue was caused by a popup not closing properly. This has been resolved

  11. There was an issue in Telephony when a user transferred a call, their Status would not change to Ready and they would have to log out and back in to reset their Status. This has been resolved.

  12. There was an issue with Office 365 accounts being suspending, this was caused by an out of date Access Token. This has been resolved.

  13. There was an issue with the Unsubscribed link in the Confirm emails being sent to customers, they would click the Unsubscribe link , however in DealerMine the auto confirm was turning off in the Customer Info > Contact Methods tab but was displaying turned on when on the Profile screen . This is resolved.

  14. There was an issue when creating an Advisor schedule, an error would appear for no apparent reason. This has been resolved

15. There was an issue when trying to book an eService appointment in Dealermine where the users were receiving an error message upon saving the appointment. This was caused by a special character having been input into the comments section. This has been resolved.

16. There was an issue where the Call Log was displaying the Duration time incorrectly. DealerMine would copy the Call Logs to a history table for efficiency purposes. Sometimes the copying started before the call was completed, this would cause the Duration to display as “0”. This is resolved.

DealerMine has put a procedure to insure that copying will not start until the Call has ended.

17. There was an issue when a user had Key report 4.4 and the Monthly Performance Summary report open at the same time, when they tried to drill down on one of the reports DealerMine would display an error. This has been resolved.

18. There was an issue in Fetch where users were getting an error message when deleting an Import file from the Import Management tab. That was only occurring when the import template used for the import file was deleted. This is resolved.

19. There was an issue with Batch Texts where the text did not pull the merge fields for the “Distribute Text User” selected in the Batch Contacts popup > Templates & Batch setup > Admin screen. This is resolved.

Now when "Distribute Text" has no users selected, the merge field will not display therefore the user’s name will not display in the text. If there are users selected for "Distribute Text" then the user’s name selected will display in the body of the Text.

DMS Enhancements & Resolutions


*this will take a Nightly download to take effect.

For Xsellerator stores, we have expanded the ability to mark customers as inactive based on their privacy level set up in the DMS. We now have the ability to mark customers with Privacy level 2 & 3 as inactive in Dealermine, whereas previously this was limited to customers with Privacy Level 4 settings in the DMS.

In Global Config > Store Tab > Miscellaneous > "Turn Off Privacy Lvl2 associated Customer" "Turn Off Privacy Lvl3 Associated Customer"

Once the box is checked it will Turn off customer files that have a privacy lever of either 2 or 3 in Xsellerator. If the privacy level changes then the customer file will be turned back on.


  1. Xsellerator - There was an issue where appointments were displaying 1 hour off on the scheduler when the appointment date was between March 7th to March 14th. This was caused by bad logic responsible to calculate the Daylight Savings Time adjustments. This has been resolved.

  2. Serti - There was an issue with Serti stores, where vehicles would randomly be removed from a customer file, and moved to a phantom vehicle file. This was caused by a change in the data we received from Serti. This has been resolved.

  3. CDK - There was an issue on the "Online Appointment Booking Performance" report and the show % metrics. That was caused by the CDK appointment number to be changed when a user update the original appointment in Dealermine. That new appointment number was not being tracked back to the online scheduling appointment request and causing the report not to give credit when the customer show-up for their appointment.

  4. Xsellerator - There was an issue when booking an appointment in DealerMine the wrong transportation code was being sent to Xsellerator for the Drop Off transportation type. This has been resolved.

Sales CRM Enhancements & Resolutions


  1. A scroll bar has been added to the Dealer Trade log tab on in the Traffic log and will display 50 records at a time.


  1. There was an issue with the Delivery log where users could schedule a delivery on a day marked as a holiday. This has been resolved. Now when a user attempts to select a date that a holiday falls on, the Save or Update button will be grayed out and disabled.

  2. There was an issue where the Style/Trim of a vehicle were not populating in the AutoVance worksheets. This was caused in part by the inventory not downloading correctly, as well as the store number was attached to the VIN when imported to Inventory. This has all been corrected.

  3. There was an issue when a Quote was completed inside of Desk it, the quote was pulling into the Purchase History tab of the customer’s file in Dealermine, displaying it as a "Sold Deal". This has been resolved. We also have excluded "Turn Over" status from being considered closed deals.

  4. There was an issue when editing a Sales followup, in the popup Branch drop down was not defaulting to the correct Branch, this only occurred when a user had access to multiple branch. This is resolved.

  5. There was an issue where Honda Leads dispositions were missing information when sent. This has been resolved

  6. There was an issue in the some of the Showroom Configure screens where inactive users would display in various dropdowns for selection. This has been resolved.

7. There was an issue where users were able to add the same item name to 2 different lists in Showroom configuration. For example: “Lead Deleted” could be used in both Traffic Log Status and Deleted Guest Reasons. Both of these would then populate in the Status drop down list on Traffic Log entry. This caused confusion as only 1 of them would actually delete the traffic log entry. A pop up warning has been added indicating if an item name is already in use, in another list.