Send Text

Sent Text

Texting is another method of communication for you and your customer in DealerMine. In today's busy world some customers may prefer this method of contact, so be sure to ask them if they'd like to opt in to receive text messages from your dealership.

  • Each store and branch is set up with its own unique 10-digit free texting phone number that can be advertised and given out to all customers. (I.e. include it on emails, letters and the website). Please contact your Administrator or DealerMine Technical Support to have your Texting Setup.

  • By default, all customers are turned off for this contact method until you have received approval from them.

  • A customer that is off for Texting a Grey bubble will display by their cell phone number on the profile screen.

  • A customer can be turned on for Texting by clicking on the grey bubble on the customer profile screen and sending an Optin in. When an optin is sent the bubble will turn Yellow.

  • When the customer replies Start the bubble will turn Blue and they are on for Texting. The customer must be turned on manually by a DealerMine user by going to the Texting tab and on the Unread Messages tab double click on the cusotmer text. This action will redirect the user to the customer's profile and the text will be turned on .

  • DealerMine appends (To unsubscribe, reply "stop") to the bottom of every text message sent, which allows the user to unsubscribe at any moment. If the user replies back "stop", DealerMine will turn the texting contact method off for all customer files that contain that cell phone number in your database.

  • If a customer replies with STOP, STOPALL, END, CANCEL, UNSUBSCRIBE OR QUIT they will be turned off for Texting.

Sending a Text

  • To send a text message to a customer through DealerMine, they must be turned on for the contact method "Text".

  • Click theText Action button to initiate sending a text to any customer who is turned on.

  • A phone slides in from the right side of the monitor allowing you to type a message to your customer.

  • From the top drop down the user would select Store and Texting number that is going to be use.

  • A message can be typed in the Comments box or a Texting Template case be selected to send.

Receiving a Text

  • All received texts funnel into the Texting tab.

  • A red orb lights up indicating when new texts arrive to read.

  • All bolded Texts have not been read.

The Texting tab consists of three sub tabs:

  1. Incoming Today - the most recent incoming messages received today. From this tab, double click any customer to see the smart phone slide in to read the full conversation. Right click any customer to view profile. All unread texts have a yellow star to the right of the text. Unread meaning, unread by any DealerMine user since we have no idea of knowing if a text has been read by a customer.

  2. Last 30 Days - all texts sent or received over the last 30 days. Black arrow = incoming, Red arrow = outgoing. Right click to view profile.

  3. Incoming Orphan - all incoming texts where we cannot find a match to the 10-digit phone number belonging to the sender. Right click to search for a match using your existing database. This will link up your texting history with the appropriate customer file.

  4. Texting Stats - will display the Texing Counts for the selected date range for the following;

    • Sent

    • Incoming

    • Customers