Traffic Log

Capture, measure and monitor all sales traffic effectively.

There are 6 sub tabs inside the Traffic Log tab:

Desk Log

The Traffic Log contains all traffic added to the log each day. The Desk Log is the default starting place when viewing the Traffic Log and is the entry point for Desking deals.

At a glance you will see the Up Details, who is looking after this customer, status, worksheet details, desking details, steps to the sale, and notes.

Watch this video hosted by Jordan, for a basic overview of what a piece of piece of traffic contains.

Users can view the traffic log by the date the status was changed by selecting 'Status Change Date' and use the status change ascending and descending to sort.


  • Show "No Status" - Check to view all log entries that do not have a Status

  • Worksheets Completed - Check to view all entries with a completed worksheet

  • Touched Desk - Check to view all entries with saved payments (Desking only)

  • Finalized Deal - Check to view all entries with a finalized payment (Desking only)

  • Deal Created - Check to view all entries where a deal was created and pushed to DMS (Desking only)

Viewing & Filtering options:

  • Assignment :

    • Salesperson: This column captures: the Sales Manager/Person assigned to the guest;

    • Desk Manager: This column captures the Desk Manager assigned to this guest- In order to appear in this drop down the user must be flagged as a Desk Manager in User Set up > User Info

  • Up Details :

    • Traffic Type : What type of traffic was this entry for

    • Media: How did the customer hear about the dealership

  • Status :

    • Status: What is the status (result) of the customers Traffic interaction i.e. Hot Prospect, Needs Spouse, Sold, Lost, etc.

    • Schedule Follow: Has a follow up been schedule and if so what type and for when

  • Customer Details :

    • If the customer is not linked to a prospect or customer file - All customer details are proceeded by a ? indicating that the guest isn't linked to a customer. Use this column to help remember a customer. This column is populated by the entry made in the Description field on the Add Guest to Traffic Log screen.

    • If the customer is linked to a prospect or customer file - the name of the customer is displayed; if a license is linked to the file, there's an icon of a license, if the customer is linked to customer file from the DMS, there's an icon of the DMS name; if the customer is linked to a prospect, there's a DealerMine icon which is linked to a negative customer number; Customer Name, Email Address, Cell and Home phone.

  • Worksheet Details :

    • Department: What Department was the prospect interacting with New, Used, Both

    • Stock #: Was a specific Stock # assigned to this customer from Inventory

    • Select Vehicle: What Year, Make, Model of vehicle was the customer most recently interested in

    • Add Trade: Has a Trade been entered or does the customer have "No Trade"

    • Trade Value: Has a value ($) been assigned to the trade

  • Desking (Additonal Tool May not be Applicable) :

    • Button to Launch the Desking Screen; New Quote visible if no numbers presented followed by the last worksheet number and a drop down list of all attached worksheets after a quote has been prespared. You will also see the date and time of the last desked deal and if accepted "Finalized" the type of deal - Lease, Cash, Finance

  • Steps to the Sale :

    • Customized to each dealership this shows the percentage, and what sales steps have been completed on that entry as well as the date and time of the last completed step. Clicking on the date and time will prvide you with even more information.

  • Comments :

    • Enter Notes: Ability to enter notes about that customer and Traffic entry.

  • Entered By:

    • This column will capture the Username and a date and time stamp of who entered the traffic

  • Linked By:

      • This column will capture who linked/created the entry to a prospectas well as date and time stamp of when this process was completed. This is section is most commonly used when guests are being "spotted" and entered by a person other than the Sales Person. This allows you to see at a glancec the length of time it has taken for a up to be linked. As example "Man in blue shirt" to Mike MacGarvey...Most commonly used inconjunction with Pending Guest.