Delivery Configuration

Delivery Configuration


  • Click on options to add a Delivery Location.

  • For each location you must choose which stores are attached to that location. The ‘Stores and Branches’ drop down is multi select.

  • Add the limits for the location. Then, add the limits for each store that is part of that location.

  • The stores listed in the 'Store Delivery Location’ drop down are all the stores that have been selected in the ‘Stores and Branches’ drop down.

  • You can choose to make the stock number and/or VIN mandatory fields when users are adding a delivery.

  • When the "New Delivery Notification" option is checked, the salesperson will receive a calendar invite for the day of Delivery.


  • To customize statuses, click the green plus to add a new status. Name the status, then click save.

  • If the star is clicked and highlighted yellow, that will make it the default status. Customize the text and background colors.

  • To Inactivate a status, click the green check mark to make it a red x.

  • If the notification checkbox is ticked, then the salesperson attached to the delivery will be notified each time that status is selected.

  • There is one more step to ensuring the salesperson gets notified upon a status change.

  • Go to User Setup, and search the salesperson you want to notify, then in User Info, make sure 'Delivery Status' is ticked.


  • To add the steps to sale, click the green plus, just like adding a status. Name your step, then save.

  • Once saved, you can add the abbreviation which will display on the delivery log inside the circle. The full name will display when the user hovers over the step.

  • Sort the steps by clicking and dragging into the order you prefer.


  • Choose a store at the top, as each store may have different accessories.

  • Click the green plus to add an accessory, name it and click save.

  • Once it is named you can fill out the rest. Code, estimate time, and description. These will display in the ‘Add Line’ drop down, when adding a delivery.

  • Access to the Delivery Log is setup in ‘User Setup’ > ‘User Access’

  • Users can have as much or as little access as show below:

  • Access to the Delivery Log configuration to customize and make changes to the Delivery Log is given as shown below: